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Insurance Costs/Reimbursement <br />Insurance Repayments Received (as of Jan. 30, 2023) $2,675,154.48 <br />Invoices/Expenses Submitted for insurance <br />Business Income loss submitted for insurance (Claim <br />u$1,932,377.70 <br />under review) <br />$3,945,889.47 <br />$- $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $4,000,000 $5,000,000 <br />*Figures have not changed since prior month <br />Summary: The City has several different teams working on the financial impacts of the Marshall <br />Fire, with a goal to provide the finance committee with a clear and comprehensive summary. <br />The City Manager's office and Finance staff meet weekly on ensuring documentation is being <br />assembled and communication with FEMA is regularly occurring. This team meets with project <br />managers, risk management, and the planning department on a twice monthly or monthly basis <br />to keep track of the progress of the projects and financial impacts. <br />Unfortunately, all of this requires considerable time. On the financial side, the major emphasis <br />is receiving the final insurance commitments. This has to be completed before FEMA <br />reimbursement requests can be closed out. The City has to work with the State for our share and <br />ensure we can reconcile the monies FEMA provides. None of these reimbursements are easily <br />reconciled payments to invoices. <br />Simultaneously, staff is beginning the analytical work of identifying all costs, including those that <br />are anticipated as well as those costs that are addressed through City funding sources such as <br />permit fees. <br />The lessons learned phase is underway, but again, is a continuous process. <br />This topic has now been placed on the monthly Finance Committee agenda to ensure transparent <br />and uninterrupted communication of the actions occurring regarding this significant work effort <br />for policy makers and City staff. <br />13/71 <br />