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Historic Preservation Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />March 20, 2023 <br />Page 2 of 9 <br />Brackett Hogstad begins her presentation by showing the location and historic <br />photos of the property. She then demonstrates through photos what the condition <br />of the house has been throughout the time. This house is a national style basic <br />form, changing in ornamentation. The ornamental front gable was added before <br />1948. The porch was changed in 1977 and rear additions were added in the <br />1970s and 1980s. <br />She mentions the demolition criteria and reviews each one. <br />Criteria 1: The eligibility of the building for designation as an individual landmark <br />(age, significance, integrity). <br />• Age: The principal structure was constructed circa 1905 making it around <br />118 years old. <br />• Significance: This house is associated with: <br />o Coal mining (engineering) <br />o Local schools (teaching) <br />o Other professional/white collar history (doctor on Main St) <br />o Rocky Flats <br />o Louisville residents' military service <br />Integrity: <br />o Original location and setting <br />o Front footprint maintained since original <br />o Porch form maintained since original <br />o Siding, porch detailing, gabling changed over time <br />o Rear additions +/- 1970s and 1980s <br />Criteria 2: The relationship of the building as a potential contributing structure to <br />a potential historical district. <br />• The City of Louisville does not have a historical district. <br />Criteria 3: The reasonable condition of the building. <br />• Property condition is unknown. <br />Criteria 4: The reasonable projected cost of restoration or repair. <br />• The cost estimates are unknown. <br />Staff received two public comment emails ahead of the hearing. <br />• Request to limit construction noise <br />• Concern over character of new construction <br />• Carbon impact of demolishing a structure & building new <br />• Significance as part of neighborhood fabric <br />• Demolition's role in widening economic gaps <br />Staff received a letter from the homeowner. <br />• Interest in being in the historic Old Town. <br />• New house would keep with historic architecture. <br />• Intent to minimize construction impact. <br />Staff Recommendations: <br />3 <br />