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<br />COLO. TECH. CENTER <br />CONT'D <br /> <br />there will be subsidence and failure and that <br />is shown as these two red areas on this map. <br />Those are around the shafts that were <br />used as entry. One was entry, one was an <br />air shaft in the Nonpereal Mine. <br />I know that most of you out here in this area; <br />these old shafts, people have been throw- <br />ing junk in them for years. I think they <br />have been the local dump for the local <br />rancher. There has been no effort to effec- <br />tively seal those to stablize that area. As <br />a result, continual wash water going down <br />around the edges; there is debris falling <br />in it; that they continually expand. There <br />are remedial measures you can take such as <br />they have at the Leyden Mine where they <br />store gas. They took all those shafts and <br />put a watery concrete plug and then graded <br />them out. You can do the same thing here. <br />You could raise the floor area with no <br />problem if you wanted to spend the money. <br />In these four areas as I calculated, there <br />is only about 1.4 acres involved. <br />This is a 100 foot radius around each one <br />of these shafts. In the 3 areas, I think <br />there are 60 samplings. These could be <br />upgraded or the problem mitigated - I think <br />with additional drillings and investigations. <br />So, out of the 720 acres, the total acreage <br />as we calculate it that would be available <br />without restriction for any type of development <br />would be somewhere on the order of 710 acres <br />or 720 acres. I want to emphasize that this <br />is based on the fact that we did the work. <br />We have the pieces of core and they are <br />available to anybody. I can show you <br />exactly what is in that ground, what the <br />conditions of that mine are. I have to project <br />on the basis of geology that this hole re- <br />presents the mining that was done in all that <br />area is represented on that map, but I have <br />no reason to believe that that map is not <br />accurate. Therefore, I feel a high degree <br />of confidence in what we have done in the <br />interpretation of this work. I might add <br />that we have found nothing here that we <br />have not found in any of the other areas <br />while working in the Louisville-Lafayette <br />area. The geology, the behavior to the <br />undermining, the subsidence, the degree of <br />subsidence is exactly the same here as we <br />have found everywhere else in the Louisville <br />area. So, I have a great deal of confidence <br />in the results of our investigation. I <br />would be glad at this time to discuss it or <br /> <br />-12- <br />