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<br />COLO. TECH. CENTER <br />CONT'D <br />DENNIS DRUMM <br /> <br />DR. CHARLES ROBINSON <br /> <br />Because we have substantially reached agree- <br />ment with the LUC staff on all items noted <br />but geologic hazard; we have put all the <br />first group together and I think we are all <br />satisfied that we are in agreement on this. <br />We do have a problem that relates to geologic <br />hazard area designation. The LUC requested, <br />throught the CGS, that the City designate <br />any area which has been undermined as the <br />geologic hazard area. At the staff level <br />we have disagreed with that request in that <br />it implies that the map developed by Amuedo <br />& Ivey in their report will be the basis for <br />all designation. When in fact that report <br />specifically states something to the effect <br />(I don't have the exact verbage here) that <br />the material data contained in that report <br />was based on the best material available <br />based on limited funding to conduct a study. <br />It even goes so far as to state surely some <br />of the area around Louisville and south- <br />east Boulder County is desirable enough for <br />development and that detailed studies will <br />undoubtedly be conducted to further define <br />geologic hazard. We concur with the state- <br />ments of that report and as a result of that <br />have told the developer that it would be in <br />his best interest and the City's interest <br />to undertake such detailed geologic studies <br />prior to our designation. What we are trying <br />to do is designate an area as accurately as <br />possible to avoid unnecessary ordinances <br />amendments which is a vehicle we control and <br />administer hazard areas through, and conflicts <br />of that nature. If we can be right from <br />the outset let's do it that way rather than <br />designating on a very general basis and then <br />having to become more accurate at a later <br />date. As a result of that, the developer <br />hired Dr. Charles Robinson & Assoc. and <br />these studies have been done. I think it <br />most suitable now for Dr. Robinson to pre- <br />sent the findings of that study. <br /> <br />(Placed a detailed map in Council Chambers <br />for viewing.) <br />At the request of Mr. Mizel and after the <br />last public hearing, we started almost im- <br />mediately to make this study and we just <br />barely finished today, and I did want to <br />show Mr. Mizel what we had done. I thought <br />the man who paid the bill ought to at least <br />know what he got. <br /> <br />-4- <br />