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Cityo 6 Louisville <br />Historical Museum <br />Memorandum <br />To: Historical Commission <br />From: Gigi Yang, Museum Services Supervisor <br />Date: July 19, 2023 <br />Re: Museum Services Supervisor's Report <br />Viviana Guajardo has accepted the position of Museum Associate for Collections <br />Management. She will be starting on July 18, 2023. Viviana has a Bachelor's degree in <br />anthropology and sociology from Cornell College and a Masters Degree in anthropology <br />from the University of Copenhagen. She has six years of experience working with a <br />wide range of collections including 3D artifacts, photographs, and digitization projects <br />with the City of Brighton Museum, Denver Museum of Nature and Science, History <br />Colorado, and the Black American West Museum. We are excited to have Viviana join <br />the Museum staff! <br />The Museum's main focus in the next two months will be on re -interpreting the Tomeo <br />House to better reflect the history and lifestyle of the Rossi family that lived in the house <br />from 1924-1941. The 1920s through the 1940s were a pivotal time in Louisville's history <br />and the Museum is fortunate to have a historic home in its original location on Main <br />Street where we can personalize history through the lives of the Rossi family. The new <br />interpretation includes more accurately furnishing the two bedrooms and the kitchen <br />space to show how seven people lived in the house and the level of poverty and <br />resourcefulness of the Rossi family during their residence. Museum staff will be creating <br />interpretive panels to provide better understanding of daily life and historical context for <br />social and economic events occurring in Louisville, in Colorado, and nationally such as <br />the impacts of the rise of the KKK, Prohibition, and the Great Depression. For Louisville <br />History Month in September, we will be sharing our deep dive into this time period <br />through a feature article in the Louisville Historian and a front window exhibit titled <br />"Tumultuous Times" that will be up through October. We will present the new <br />interpretation of the Tomeo House at a Members Only preview event in August and at <br />the First Friday event in September. <br />In August, the Museum staff will be hosting fifty teachers from Louisville Middle School <br />as part of their in-service training. We will be leading a short walking tour of downtown <br />Louisville, tours of the Museum buildings, and an intro to Louisville history and <br />educational resources available on the Museum website. This year, we were able to <br />host classroom visits for all three Louisville elementary schools and we are looking <br />forward to expanding our educational partnerships to Louisville Middle School. <br />