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Historic Preservation Commission <br />Page 2 of 6 <br />Brackett Hogstad noted that it was one of very few Queen Anne style buildings in <br />Louisville, and it had links to the City's immigrant and mining history. All work noted in the <br />grant request was identified in the HSA, and the total was below the maximum amount. <br />The majority of the funds were for reimbursements for work completed in the last 5 years. <br />Staff Findings: <br />Staff found the property met both the Landmark and Grant criteria. <br />Staff Recommendation: <br />Staff recommended approval of Resolutions 6 and 7. <br />Commissioner Questions of Staff. <br />Beauchamp asked if it was typical to complete works before applying for grants. Brackett <br />Hogstad said that it was unusual and that applicants usually apply for the grants first. She <br />added that this was allowed, and that it had happened on occasion previously. <br />Haley noted that applying after completion may increase the chance of being fully <br />reimbursed. <br />Applicant Presentation: <br />None was heard. <br />Question of Applicant: <br />None was heard. <br />Public Comment: <br />No additional public comment was heard. <br />Discussion by Commissioners: <br />Dalia was strongly in support of the application. <br />Burg noted that the property's design was unusual in Louisville. She said that was a great <br />candidate to become a landmark, given its architectural and social significance. She was <br />in support. <br />Haley said she believed it met the Landmark and Grant criteria. She noted that the <br />property won an award for the sensitive addition of the second roof gable. She was in <br />support. <br />Motion to approve Resolution 6 was moved by Dalia, seconded by Anderson. The <br />motion was adopted by a vote of 6 to 0. <br />Motion to approve Resolution 7 was moved by Dalia, seconded by Burg. The <br />motion was adopted by a vote of 6 to 0. <br />Probable Cause Public Hearing <br />Joe's Metal Shop <br />Brackett Hogstad presented the application for a request of $9k for the completion of a <br />Historic Structure Assessment. The structure was a pre-engineered metal building <br />