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Historic Preservation Commission Agenda and Packet 2023 11 27
2023 Historic Preservation Commission Agendas and Packets
Historic Preservation Commission Agenda and Packet 2023 11 27
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11/22/2023 1:23:09 PM
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11/22/2023 1:19:49 PM
City Council Records
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Historic Preservation Commission <br />Page 4 of 6 <br />Question of Applicant: <br />Haley noted that the history of this building was not well known, and most people would <br />not have known that it was once on Main Street. <br />Beauchamp added that much of this history was not well known. He asked Johnson how <br />long he had known of the structure. Johnson said since 2003. Beauchamp said that he <br />was are only really learning of it now, and he appreciated the applicant explaining it. <br />Anderson said that he was intrigued by the potential for reusing the structure, and <br />encouraged the applicant to retain the look and feel of the structure as much as possible <br />to retain its history. He asked whether their intention was to use the structure as a three <br />season event center. Johnson said yes. <br />Anderson asked who the applicant intended to have do the assessment. Johnson said <br />they planned on using Glenn Frank Engineering. <br />Haley asked whether the windows were removed the first time the structure was moved. <br />Johnson said no, the putty glaze was all original. Haley said that if it was moved in one <br />piece before, it should be able to be done again now. Burg agreed, and added that the <br />windows would hopefully survive moving again. <br />Haley asked what the original door was made out of. Johnson said that he was not sure. <br />He thought it looked like a roll -up door, but he was not entirely sure. <br />Haley asked about expected difficulty in moving the structure. Johnson said the metal <br />structure was very light. Haley said she thought it would be an easier building to move <br />than many of the ones approved by the Commission in the past. She said the applicant <br />could not have chosen a better location to move it to. Johnson added that the new location <br />was less than 1000ft from the old one. <br />Burg said she appreciated that the applicant wanted to preserve and reuse the building <br />in such a way that the public could enjoy it. <br />Beauchamp asked about the floor structure, and whether it was just on a pad. Johnson <br />said yes, a pad and a short frost wall. <br />Haley said she liked the location, and thought it would be a prominent and visible part of <br />the site. <br />Beauchamp asked if there was any original signage for the building. Johnson said that <br />they would love to find some of it, and would love to identify the building as "Joe's Steel <br />Shop" if at all possible. <br />Dalia asked whether the business was moving from RiNo in Denver, or if it was opening <br />an additional location. Johnson said that they were moving to Louisville. <br />Dalia asked what the applicant thought the likelihood of success in moving the building <br />was. Johnson said that he thought it was very high. <br />Public Comment: <br />Sherry Sommer, resident, was strongly in support of the application. She appreciated <br />learning the history of the building, and asked if it was possible to include education of <br />the history of the building as part of the development. <br />Haley noted that the Louisville Museum had more educational pieces, but said the <br />Commission could urge the applicant to collaborate with the Museum. <br />
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