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Historic Preservation Commission <br />Page 5 of 6 <br />Discussion by Commissioners: <br />Beauchamp thought it was a great project, and really liked the visibility the building would <br />gain by moving it to the corner of the property. He was strongly in support of the proposal. <br />Dalia concurred, and was also strongly in support. <br />Anderson liked that it could be tied into its original location and that they could showcase <br />its history. He was in support. <br />Burg agreed, and said she was looking forward to the project moving forward. <br />Haley said that regarding probable cause, the proposal met all of their criteria. She <br />thought it was a worthwhile investment for the City, and that was what the grants were <br />there for. <br />Motion to approve the grant was move by Anderson, seconded by Beauchamp. The <br />motion was adopted by a vote of 6 to 0. <br />Work Plan and Subcommittee Updates <br />Training Subcommittee <br />Haley said that there was a new video to watch for next month. She asked the <br />Commissioners whether they thought the exit ticket was worthwhile, and whether it helped <br />to keep them accountable. <br />Burg said that she would prefer to just watch it and come to the next meeting with her <br />thoughts. <br />Haley said that Commissioners should just watch the video and come to the next meeting <br />prepared to discuss it. <br />Coloring Book Subcommittee <br />Brackett Hogstad said that they had finished their work with the consultant, and had <br />decided on the 8 to 10 images needed. She said the initial plan was to have them as <br />sheets, but they could be collated into a book later. She also noted that she was able to <br />distribute some of the sheets to children at the Museum's baseball game, and showed <br />some of the resulting colored pages. <br />Items from Staff <br />Brackett Hogstad said she created an Alteration Certificate form and guide for the <br />Commission. She explained that the changes would help make applications more <br />understandable for Commissioners, and make it easier for them to visualize the proposed <br />changes. She added that she made similar changes to the Grant from. <br />Brackett Hogstad also said she was considering removing the historical background <br />section of the staff reports and replacing them with more detailed criteria bullet points. <br />She said that the changes would make them easier to produce and would not remove <br />any relevant information. <br />Brackett Hogstad added that the City had hired a new Planning Manager and Planning <br />Clerk, but noted that they still had one vacant position. <br />