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Open Space Advisory Board <br />Minutes <br />September 13, 2023 <br />Page 3 of 5 <br />Weed Whackers: <br />Susan reported that the summer season had been very successful. There were 11 regular <br />Weed Whackers, and they performed 51 hours of work. There were also four boy scouts <br />involved. They focused their work on Davidson Mesa and Harper Lake. She felt like the signs <br />that Ginger produced were very helpful for getting the word out. Susan said she would love to <br />host a pizza party for the Weed Whackers, and wondered if there was a budget for that. Ember <br />replied that she could look into it current City Policy. <br />Bee City: <br />Susan said that the Bee City USA committee wrote an article for the recent City Newsletter. It <br />announced the Bee City website. The website gives advice and recommendations about <br />pollinator -friendly planting for Louisville gardeners. The group is hoping to begin a monthly <br />speaker series, in collaboration with the Sustainability Board. Susan is helping to lead a <br />workshop for children and adults on making paper infused with native seeds. She is hoping to <br />do it at the Recreation Center in November. <br />Helen added that there was recently a program about harvesting wild seeds sponsored by the <br />library, who also has a seed catalog. She felt that Bee City USA and Open Space should co - <br />advertise these events. She and the other Bee City USA committee members attended and <br />recruited interested people at the event. They would like to exchange seeds and seedlings <br />again in the spring. There are some examples of programs like this in nearby cities, such as <br />Fort Collins. Jessamine said there is a group called Blooming Seniors who do a plant sale in <br />the spring at the Recreation Center, and maybe they could coordinate with them. Helen added <br />that the City could do a lot to help coordinate volunteering. The Bee City USA committee will <br />have a booth at Ecotoberfest to talk about pollinators and pollinator -friendly planting. <br />8. Discussion Item: Parks Recreation and Open Space Master Plan. Presented by <br />Adam Blackmore, Director of Parks, Recreation, and Open Space. <br />Adam gave an overview of the next master planning process. The last department -wide master <br />plan was written in 2012 and the last Open Space -specific master plan was written in 2004. He <br />said that there have been a lot of changes since then and some things from the old plans have <br />not been implemented. He said that he places a lot of stock in using a proper planning process <br />to offset the impact of staff being asked to address "squeaky wheel" stakeholder requests. <br />Master planning is on City Council's work plan as a high priority and is in the current budget. <br />Adam provided the board a hardcopy of the projected timeline for implementation of the plan. <br />Staff's plan is to seek feedback from advisory boards (RAB, PPLAB, OSAB, and the YAB) <br />during meetings with staff and consultants. Brian Webber will be creating a survey (-Oct) for <br />each board member to give feedback about an RFP that highlights their priorities in choosing <br />consultants for this process. Brian will visit each board and deliver results of the survey (-Nov- <br />Dec). Adam projected that actual work would begin around January 2025. He added that the <br />city comprehensive master plan that will be starting around that time too, and will also include <br />lots of public input. He cautioned that staff doesn't want to bury citizens in requests for <br />feedback. <br />