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Open Space Advisory Board Agenda and Packet 2023 10 11
2023 Open Space Advisory Board Agendas and Packets
Open Space Advisory Board Agenda and Packet 2023 10 11
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11/22/2023 1:26:44 PM
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11/22/2023 1:25:39 PM
City Council Records
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Boards Commissions Committees Records
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Open Space Advisory Board <br />Minutes <br />September 13, 2023 <br />Page 4 of 5 <br />Charles asked if trails would be part of this plan or part of the transportation master plan. Adam <br />said this decision would be made based on the survey results, but his opinion was that it should <br />be included in the department master plan. <br />Jessamine asked to what extent the existing master plan will be the basis for the new plan. <br />Adam said that the Open Space -specific master plan from 2004 is very dated and Open Space <br />issues deserve a level of higher expertise and a deeper dive than the 2012 plan gave them. <br />Ember added that the 2004 Open Space master plan reads more like a management plan and <br />the plan from 2012 is more high-level vision. <br />Michiko asked if they will throw out the old master plans and create a new one based on new <br />needs. Adam answered that the old plans will guide the next iteration and still have some good <br />things in them, but they definitely need to be updated and revised. He specifically called out the <br />need for a wildfire mitigation strategy and the new budgeting required if the sales tax ballot <br />issue passes. <br />Michiko asked how often master plans usually get revised. Adam said master plans are <br />generally 10-15 year guiding documents, but land management plans might last about a <br />decade. <br />9. Discussion Items: Review and Finalize Results of the 2023 OSAB Potential Open <br />Space Candidate Recommendations to City Council. Presented by Laura Scott Denton <br />and Michiko Christiansen, Acquisition OSAB Tiger Team <br />Michiko and Laura led the discussion of the spreadsheet that ranked the candidate open space <br />parcels. The spreadsheet was created based on the individual rankings that board members <br />gave the properties that were (and were not) visited during the August meeting road tour. Board <br />members ranked each parcel according to their perception of its Natural Resource Value, its <br />User Experience Value, and its Strategic Value. They also noted observations about the land <br />and listed potential management or conservation goals for the land. The Tiger Team and staff <br />combined those individual rankings into a composite spreadsheet. <br />Michiko and Laura wanted OSAB to designate the board's level of interest in the properties, but <br />noted that the "Totals" column for the properties didn't show significant breaks. The board <br />discussed what the levels of interest should be called, eventually deciding on High, Medium, <br />and Low Priority parcels. The board also decided which parcels should be given which level of <br />priority. High Priority parcels were: CC, DD, WW, WW.1, ZZ.1, D.1, BB, N.2, N.3, DA, MM, <br />WW.2, D.5. Medium Priority parcels were: D.2, AA.1, AA.2, D.3, N.1, XX, F. Low Priority <br />parcels were: B, J, G, H, I, K. <br />The board discussed the value of having staff research the conservation status of the land. <br />Some of the parcels cannot be further developed due to conservation easements or other <br />regulations and may be adequately conserved without further expenditure by the city. <br />The board wants to produce a map with properties indicated as High, Medium, or Low Priority, a <br />master spreadsheet as currently written, and individual property detail sheets with conservation <br />status and goals on them. <br />
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