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Government Rules and the Code of Ethics (Charter Section 5-6). <br />H. DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST AND RECUSAL: Any member of the <br />Board who has an interest in, or whose interest would be affected by, any <br />proposed official action before the Board shall immediately and publicly <br />disclose the nature and extent of the interest; shall not participate in any <br />discussion or decision concerning the proposed action; shall not attempt to <br />publicly or privately influence the Board, any public body, or any employee <br />in connection with the action; and shall leave the room where the <br />discussion or decision is taking place during the time the proposed action <br />is being discussed and the decision is being made. <br />I. CHAIR: The Chair is the member of the Board who presides over a Board <br />meeting and shall do so according to these Rules and applicable law. The <br />Chair serves as Chair of all Board meetings at which the Chair is present. <br />In the Chair's absence, the Vice -Chair will serve as Chair. In the absence <br />of the Chair and Vice -Chair, Board members will appoint one member to <br />act as Chair for that meeting. <br />V. MEETINGS <br />A. REGULAR MEETINGS: Each Board shall set a regular meeting <br />schedule at the first meeting of each year identifying the date, time, and <br />location of meetings. <br />B. COMMITTEE MEETINGS: A committee meeting may be called if it can <br />be properly noticed a minimum of 72 hours in advance. Committee <br />meetings must meet all the same rules as a regular meeting. <br />C. EXECUTIVE SESSIONS: A board may hold an executive session only for <br />pending litigation and only with the City Attorney present. <br />D. RESCHEDULING: A Board may reschedule meetings for dates and times <br />outside its annual meeting schedule to avoid holidays, elections, and other <br />matters, to achieve a quorum, or to allow for additional time for a meeting. <br />To reschedule such meetings, the Board first must provide notice and <br />approve of the proposal to reschedule. <br />E. CANCELLATION: Any scheduled meeting may be cancelled by members <br />or the Staff Liaison in the event there are no items for the board to discuss <br />or in the event unforeseen emergent conditions exist which make conduct <br />of the meeting impractical (for example, in the case of power outage) or <br />travel to the meeting unduly hazardous (for example, in the case of <br />blizzard conditions). <br />Louisville Board & Commission Rules of Procedure page 4 <br />Adopted November 6, 2023 <br />