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<br />Page - J.t - <br /> <br />Resolution Revenue Sharing No. 1 - Series 1973. <br />'The City of Louisville, Colorado has received a payment in the amount of <br />$6, 9L~5.00 from Federal Government lIDder th(~ State of Local Fiscal Assistance <br />Act of 1972 - hereinafter referred to as the "ACT." <br />Hotion by Jensen, seconded by King that resolution in - series 1973 be <br />adopted. Roll call vote - Domenico yes, Scholl yes, D::movan yes, J::I'sen yes, <br />King yes, Deborski yes. Motion carded. <br />Mayhoffer land matcers extended two weeks from today - same misunderstanding; <br />wants to get together again see if we cannot solve it. Not go through full. con- <br />demnation. - To be taken up at the work session. <br />LIQUOR l\"PDLIC.~TION: Keither g. Clara Alexander for A. & B. Liquors, 819 Main St. <br />Application in order. Notion by Donovan, s(,ccnded by .Jensen to accept appli- <br />cation. Motion carried. <br />PERCY: What was the status on zoning of 5 acres . <br />Recommendations received late today - will be submitted next meeting. <br />Does the City have right to pass zoning on that land? PeoDle who are interested in <br />buying went through process of getting it zoned business - Planning Commission <br />refused the business zoning, but they would go along with E. D. zoning. Peonle <br />who were interested may not go thrcugh wit,h it so they don't care hOH it is zoned. <br />Does the City have the right to go ahead and tag a zonjng on that land? <br />MC'?JUS: I would think we. would have the right to zone it something. <br />Mr. irJurl: Two meetings ago, Council allthorized hiring an engineer. I ha'!e <br />received several applications and have submitted to you a resume of a <br />fellow I have worked with in the nast who did work for the Gity of Aspen. I know <br />he is very capable. Unless Council has some objection, I would like t,o hire Mr. Whit.e <br />e ['fecti ve immediately. <br />Deborski: We made a commitment that we would justify this to the comrrLlIDi ty ar.d the <br />paner that we would provide schedule of money to be saved when we hire a City Engineer. <br />'Think we sbocld Drovide tllat justificati on to the nub1ic in dollars and cents. <br />Mayor Carand: Have Hr.~furl sometbing written 11n for Jan. lSth work session. <br />Mayor Caranci: Are we still under contract with Ken Bruns? <br />Donovan: We pay Bruns by hour and can change any time. <br />:Hr. Wurl: He could be a tremendous heln, bllt, relating to these specific items <br />we could postnone it. <br /> <br />Bills read in the amount of :!i63,773.l0. Motion by Jensen that bills be allowed <br />and warrant drawn for sarre; seconded by Donovan. }'1otion carried. <br /> <br />Ilcmovan _ exc8ntion on Ken Bruns hi1l;would like the hours listed 'Omd what was done. <br />Mr. Wurl: Am in process of reviewing a bill for :S29,OOO.00 from Bruns - asked <br />Mr. Perrella _ Bruns sent breakdovm that we should nay $20,000.00 and then Day <br />balance over peiod oft.ime . Write letter and have them itemize bill. 1--lotion carried. <br /> <br />HEALTH OF?IC31S REPORT: No contagious diseases for Hcnth of Decemb(:?r. <br />lj~otion by King, seconded by Jensen renort be accentedo Motion carried. <br /> <br />BOB ROSS: Meyers was granted a variance on house brought in on Griffith St. Now <br />house is bett,ing to be an eyesore and getting to be a safety hazard. <br />At.tornE!JT Morris: Use Nuisiance Ordina,1.ce or Buildjng Ordinar,ce to correct situation. <br />Donovan: Bob Ross should be reimbursed for postage - (,ake money out of fee. Bob <br />gi ven letter heads and stamped envelopes. <br />Meeting Adjourned: January IS, 1973 -work session Urban Renewal Meetirlg Jan. 2)~, 1973 <br />Police I1agistrate's Report _ 77 cases tried - $605.GO assessed and turned oVr::;r to City. <br />Motion by Jensen, seconded by Domenico to accept renort. Moticn carried. <br />