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<br />Resource Conservation Advisory Board <br />Minutes <br />DATE <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />bags and not other plastic bags. The entire group then discussed various <br />aspects of dealing with grocery plastic bags: plastic bag alternatives for <br />merchants and customers; political issues; acceptability for merchants and <br />customers; public perception to alternatives to plastic bags; showing the "plastic <br />bag movie" to councils, at events, at libraries, etc.; grocery store corporate <br />limitations; obstacles to implementing fees or ban of plastic bags; various <br />campaigns with business and Chambers of Commerce to change from using <br />plastic bags, especially the smaller business. For now, as a starting place, a joint <br />e-mail group will be developed and sent around for the members of both groups <br />to add links to other relevant web sites. This e-mail, with all relevant information, <br />will be used to send out in an e-mail like chain to begin increase awareness to <br />the plastic bag issue. <br /> <br />The remainder of the meeting was concerned solely with L WRAC business. <br />Most LRCAB members left the meeting at this point. Minutes for the remainder <br />of the meeting can be found on LWRAC's Meetings Archives page on the City of <br />Lafayette's website: <br /> asp ?Disp/av=Minutes&AMID= 1729 . <br />