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<br />Open Space Advisory Board <br />Minutes <br />August 12, 2009 <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />been rescheduled due to the Holiday. Tom stated that he would prefer to keep <br />the scheduled meeting. <br /> <br />Ember mentioned that the November meeting date falls on Veterans' Day. This <br />meeting will likely be rescheduled. <br /> <br />Ember stated that the majority of the new Adopt-An-Open Space signs have <br />been posted. <br /> <br />Board Updates- Tom said the Pull 4 Colorado event had 21 people attended <br />and that the event went very well. <br /> <br />Justin stated that Louisville has been selected by CNN Money Magazine ranked <br />Louisville as the #1 City to live in the United States. He also thanked the board <br />and staff for all of their hard work as the article was complimentary to the City's <br />vast open spaces and trails. <br /> <br />Discussion Item: Location of Emergency Sirens within Louisville <br />Chief Goodman from the Louisville Police Department updated and informed the <br />board about new sirens with additional sound direction (including voice <br />messages) that will be installed in 3 key locations around the City. The sites that <br />have been selected are by Harper Lake, Coal Creek Golf Course, and Pirates <br />Park (see packet August12th material for locations). Chief Goodman also <br />informed the board that they will be solar powered and will require no other utility <br />connections. Tom asked if the placement of the pole - due to the height - would <br />violate OSAB's charter. Chief Goodman said that would be the decision of the <br />board; however, Chief Goodman said that if the location is moved some area of <br />the City may not be able to hear the sirens in an emergency. <br /> <br />Jean Morgan (1121 Spruce) asked how long the test would run. Chief Goodman <br />replied that it would be tested for a few minutes once a month. <br /> <br />Tom asked the board if they had any opinion as to the impact on wildlife. Tom <br />also suggested some basic research be done to find alternative sites that don't <br />have such a large impact on the view corridor. <br /> <br />A motion was unanimously approved to ask Staff to research alternative sites. <br />Truman suggested that Joe Carnival Park east of Harper Lake should be <br />considered <br /> <br />Discussion Item: Open Space Webpage <br />Tom stated that he is keenly interested in improving our Open Space web <br />presence. Truman asked how it would be implemented and maintained. Tom <br />replied that maintenance could be provided by the City with the assistance of <br />OSAB. <br />