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36, and the Storage Tech campus (now ConocoPhillips Campus) was vacated. <br />These two changes have reduced the amount of traffic volume that downtown is <br />experiencing. <br />Staff recommends increasing the cap on development to 475,000 square feet <br />because the current cap is close to being reached and the present traffic <br />situation downtown suggests that additional development can be accommodated. <br />Staff recommends a 475,000 square foot cap based on the amount of parking <br />that is currently available downtown. There are 892 parking spaces (on street, <br />public, private) in the downtown core area. The parking utilization study revealed <br />that the maximum peak demand for parking downtown was 1 space for every <br />532 square feet of development. This would indicate that 892 parking spaces <br />could potentially provide sufficient parking for approximately 475,000 square feet <br />of development (892 parking spaces X 532 SF per parking space). Currently, <br />there is 311,212 square feet of development either built or entitled to be built in <br />the downtown area. Raising the cap to 475,000 square feet would allow for an <br />additional 163,000 square feet of development to be built in the westerly portion <br />of downtown. <br />LMC as Currently Written <br />Sec. 17.12.060. Maximum floor area, Westerly portion of Downtown Louisville. <br />Within the area designated as the westerly portion of Downtown Louisville, as <br />defined in chapter 17.08, the maximum floor area shall be 354,000 square feet. <br />No development shall be permitted within the westerly portion of Downtown <br />Louisville once a maximum floor area of 354,000 square feet has been achieved <br />within such area. To the extent that this section establishes a requirement which <br />conflicts with a yard and bulk requirement set forth in any other applicable <br />section of Title 17, the specific requirement of this section shall control. Any <br />determination of maximum floor area for purposes of this section shall exclude <br />the square footage of buildings owned by the city at the time of such <br />determ ination. <br />Suggested Amendment to LMC Areas of Change are Highlighted <br />Sec. 17.12.060. Maximum floor area, Westerly portion of Downtown Louisville. <br />Within the area designated as the westerly portion of Downtown Louisville, as <br />defined in chapter 17.08, the maximum floor area shall be 475,000 square feet. <br />No development shall be permitted within the westerly portion of Downtown <br />Louisville once a maximum floor area of 475,000 square feet has been achieved <br />within such area. To the extent that this section establishes a requirement which <br />conflicts with a yard and bulk requirement set forth in any other applicable <br />section of Title 17, the specific requirement of this section shall control. Any <br />determination of maximum floor area for purposes of this section shall exclude <br />the square footage of buildings owned by the city at the time of such <br />determ ination. <br />