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<br />Youth Advisory Board <br />Meeting Minutes <br />11/5/09 <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />o Mandy- great job! A lot of food was gathered at the collection sites. The Rec. <br />Center Food Drive is still going strong, but they need stuffing, dessert mix and <br />cereal. <br />. December- Dessert and Story Time with Santa <br />o Event is Thursday, Dec. 17th @ Rec. Center <br />o Mandy passed around the sign up sheet. It would be great if people can stay <br />for the whole event, but if not please select one of two shifts: <br />· First shift: 4-7pm <br />· Second shift: 6-8:30pm <br />· Wear red or green outfits <br />· Yes, we can use volunteers from other groups <br /> <br />VIII. Discuss other city boards and commissions <br />. Kendall- went to the Louisville Open Space meeting <br />o They discussed: cookies, the Davidson open space parcel, the city manager's <br />updates and the city budget, Memory Square Pool, eliminating local pick up but <br />keeping drop off points for leaves and eliminating the Boulder Youth Corps. <br />Program. <br />. Antonia- Went to a City Council meeting <br />o Three Monarch Students talked to the council about youth concerns, such as <br />the H1N1 virus, Winterskate, Holiday Home Tour <br />o Ron Sackett received an award <br />o LMS Principal gave a presentation about Winter Slam- a basketball challenge <br />between the Police Dept./LMS Staff and the boys and girls basketball teams- it <br />is a big toy drive for the holidays, and a lot of fun. <br /> <br />IX. Further goal setting discussion concerning the upcoming term <br />. Bus schedule around Monarch- <br />o Antonia said that on Monday RTD representatives came to a Freshman <br />Seminar and talked about L YNX- how it is under-utilized and may have to go <br />away. But Leslie told them the schedule was really inconvenient for students <br />and they mentioned they may think about changing the schedule <br />o ***Let's get an update about this issue from Leslie next month <br /> <br />· Awards for good youth citizens: <br />o Nicole had mentioned Q-doba's program <br />o Sam- if it was a monthly thing it would be a lot of continuous work- seems like <br />there could also be a lot of logistical problems. For instance, what criteria <br />would we use to choose? And could it be a little too personal? <br />o Joi- Maybe not this year, but something to think about for the future? <br />o Took a vote on implementing a program like this for the 2009-2010 term- the <br />majority voted NO <br /> <br />. Volunteer-a-thon <br />o Sam- a lot of middle and high school students need volunteer hours. Her mom <br />works for the Volunteer Connection, which partners teens with opportunities. <br />