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PRESENTATION - PROCLAMATION DECLARING JULY NATIONAL <br /> RECREATION AND PARKS MONTH <br /> <br />Davidson read and presented the proclamation to Michelle Smith, head coach of the Louisville <br />Dolphin swim team, and Rhonda Roeder, assistant coach. <br /> <br />Michelle Smith thanked the Council and encouraged everyone to take advantage of the leisure <br />activities offered through the City of Louisville Recreation Center. <br /> <br />RESOLUTION No. 31, SERIES 1998 - SPECIAL REVIEW USE FOR 908 MAIN <br />STREET - LAURA LEE & MELANIE LAWRENCE PIANO STUDIO <br /> <br />Davidson called for staff introduction. <br /> <br />Paul Wood, Planning Director, stated Resolution No. 31 is a special review use to operate a piano <br />studio at 908 Main Street. Hours of business were proposed to be between the hours of 10 a.m. <br />through 7 p.m. Planning Commission recommends restricting hours of operation to 9 a.m. through <br />7 p.m., Monday through Friday, to address the concerns that noise generated by piano instruction on <br />Saturdays may be disruptive to residential neighbors. While initially agreeing to this restriction, the <br />applicants, upon further consideration, have taken exception to this condition. Noise generated by <br />the piano studio could be an issue for other building tenants. The applicants indicate the existing <br />construction of their tenant space allows for simple soundproofing to prevent noise from disturbing <br />other building tenants. Existing residential uses are generally over 100-feet away from the proposed <br />piano studio but one home is only a few feet south of the tenant space. Specifically, this residence <br />is next to the south wall of the 908 Main Street building. There are no windows along the south wall <br />of the proposed piano studio space, though operable exterior windows are found on the east side of <br />the tenant space. Planning Commission recommended approval of the application with a condition <br />which restricts their hours of operation. The applicant is requesting that this condition be removed. <br /> <br />Davidson called for the applicant's presentation. <br /> <br />Melanie Lawrence & Laura Lee introduced themselves and provided a brief background of their <br />training and teaching experience. They teach music lessons with a classical emphasis. They are <br />taking many precautions to prevent sound from traveling from their office. They asked to address <br />the Planning Commission condition which restricts their hours of operation. Two neighbors have <br />expressed concem about sound. They stated their reasons for requesting the Planning Commission <br />condition which restricts their hours of operation be removed to be: <br /> <br />The restrictions are based on the assumption that their soundproofing precautions <br />will be ineffective and; therefore, the piano music will be a nuisance. <br />They feel it is important to have a positive relationship with the neighbors and have <br />already encouraged the neighbors to contact them directly if they have any concerns <br />about the sound. <br /> <br />4 <br /> <br /> <br />