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<br />Museum's campus. Dan Mellish noted that it is certainly a long term goal to erect a building <br />to take care of the City's historical collections. <br /> <br />For the short term, it was noted that there are several approaches to easing the space <br />issue temporarily that the City and Commission could look into, including: <br />a. building temporary shelves in the Jordinelli house, <br />b. renting climate-controlled space in a Main Street building, or <br />c. locating other climate-controlled space. <br /> <br />Bridget Bacon said that she will try to find out about how much weight can safely be put on <br />the floors of the Jordinelli House. <br /> <br />XII. Chairperson's Report: There were no additions. <br /> <br />XIII. Commission Comments. Brian Chamberlin reported that he spoke to the Newcomers <br />Club about Louisville history. He was thanked for his participation. Diane Marino asked if <br />there would be another meeting with historical organizations in Lafayette and Superior as <br />there were a few years ago. Bridget Bacon said that she would check on which community <br />might be able to host a meeting again. <br /> <br />XIV. Discussion Items for April 21 Meeting. No decision was made about participating in the <br />Fall Festival, possibly with a float. It was decided that this can be discussed further at a <br />later meeting. <br /> <br />XV. Adjourn. <br />