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<br /> RESOLUTION NO. 52 <br /> SERIES 1988 <br /> A RESOLUTION REVISING CITY POLICY WITH <br /> RESPECT TO THE DEDICATION OF WATER RIGHTS TO <br /> THE CITY IN CONNECTION WITH ANNEXATIONS <br /> WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 16.32.030 (G) of the Louisville <br />Municipal Code, the City Council, from time to time, is to set <br />forth by resolution the City policy with respect to conveyance of <br />water rights to the City in connection with annexations; and <br /> WHEREAS, the city staff and the City Council of the City of <br />Louisville have considered various options with respect to the <br />water rights dedication policy and have determined the policy <br />which is most appropriate and beneficial to the City at the <br />present time; <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Louisville <br />hereby adopts the fOllowing revised policy with respect to the <br />dedication of water rights to the City in connection with <br />annexations: <br /> 1. For land to be zoned residential, at the time of <br />initiation of the annexation procedure all water rights appur- <br />tenant to the property must be offered to the City for <br />dedication. The City may also in its discretion, and using the <br />criteria set forth in this policy, consider and accept for <br />dedication water rights offered by annexor which are not appur- <br />tenant to the land to be annexed. The City shall determine <br />whether said water rights will be accepted, rejected or accepted <br />in part by the City for dedication. <br /> 2. For land to be zoned residential, the annexor shall be <br />required to dedicate water rights providing one raw water credit <br />("Raw Water Credit" ) per acre of land to be annexed, including <br />public streets, drainage easements and easements for utilities <br />and other purposes, but excluding land conveyed to the City for <br />public uses, such as schools, parks, recreation and open space <br />(hereinafter referred to as the "Net Acreage") . If no water <br />rights are available for dedication, or if those accepted by the <br />City do not provide sufficient Raw Water Credits in accordance <br />with this policy, the annexor or his successors shall pay to the <br />City a water resource fee ("Water Resource Fee" ) in accordance <br />with paragraph 7, below. <br /> 3 . A Raw Water Credit is defined as the average annual <br />yield in acre feet of the water rights proposed to be conveyed to <br />the city multiplied by the irrigation efficiency rate, plus the <br />