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2006 BUDGET (364 pgs)
2000-2010 Budgets
2006 BUDGET (364 pgs)
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2/5/2024 8:55:08 AM
Creation date
6/1/2006 10:03:35 AM
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Budget City
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Budget Records
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<br />General Information <br />Louisville's colorful past has now transitioned this period, but not as fast as the surrounding <br />into the age of technology. Manufacturing and communities of Broomfield, Lafayette and <br />high-tech industry have provided a solid Superior. Louisville's average household size <br />economic base for Louisville, bringing with it declined from 2.68 to 2.61, while average <br />stores, restaurants and other amenities for household size in Boulder County and the <br />residents to enjoy. Denver Metro Area increased. This is a <br /> reflection of Louisville's increasing average age <br />Facts population. Since the 2000 Census, Louisville's <br />The City of Louisville (City) is a Colorado population has experienced very limited <br />Home Rule municipality with approximately growth (0.4%) as most residential land supplies <br />19,080 residents and 7.9 square miles within have not completed the entitlement process, <br />the municipal boundaries. The City, although over 1,000 housing units are <br />incorporated in 1882, lies in southeastern permissible under current zoning throughout <br />Boulder County roughly six miles east of the the City. <br />City of Boulder and 25 miles northwest of <br />Denver. AQe Distribution <br /> Louisville's age distribution skews slightly <br />Climate older than surrounding communities in <br />Mean Temperatures: Boulder County. Of particular significance, <br />January - 29.5 degrees F, Louisville has a higher share of "baby <br />July - 72.0 degrees F, boomers" (45 to 54 age group) moving toward <br />October - 52.6 degrees F. retirement. There has been a decline in the <br />Days of Sunshine: 275/year number of children ages 5 to 14, as well as <br />Inches of Rain: 15.5/year adults ages 35 to 44. <br />Growing Season: 148 days. <br /> Education <br />Because of its central location in the state, Louisville has one of the most highly educated <br />Louisville never experiences the extremes populations among surrounding communities. <br />found in the mountains and plains of Overall, the higher educational levels in <br />Colorado. The city has about 275 days of Boulder County reflect the area's high-tech <br />sunshine a year and when heavy snowfalls business environment, as well as the influence <br />occur, they are usually followed by sunny, dry of the state's largest university, the University <br />days. To Louisville residents, this means mild of Colorado. <br />days throughout the year to play golf, catch a <br />round of tennis, enjoy an afternoon in the Household Incomes <br />park, or walk the many miles of trails Corresponding to education level, median <br />throughout the city. household incomes in Louisville ($75,300) are <br /> the highest among Boulder County <br />Population and Household Growth communities. Overall, Boulder County <br />Louisville is located in the western portion of incomes skew considerably higher than the <br />the high-growth northern Denver Metro Area. Denver Metro Area as a whole, again due to <br />Over the next 25 years, this area is expected to the presence of high-tech industries. The <br />grow at twice the rate of the region as a whole. median household income in Louisville is <br />Much of this growth is projected to be in expected to grow to $85,379 by 2008 or 13% <br />southwestern Weld County, Broomfield over the 2003 median income estimates. The <br />County and western Adams County. average household income in Louisville is <br />Louisville grew at a compound average annual significantly higher than the median income <br />growth rate of 3.1% between 1990 and 2003 - a suggesting a wide range of household incomes <br />considerably faster rate than either Boulder is present in the community. Average <br />County and Denver Metropolitan Area over household income is projected to increase <br />2 <br />
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