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<br />.., <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />400 to 800 feet to the east and south of Dillon. <br />They seem to be willing to try to avoid relocating <br />homes. Some of the other concerns we had were <br />access to CTC, what will happen as far as frontage <br />roads. Some of these things have not been <br />discussed yet, but will be discussed at the next <br />meeting. The City of Lafayette has asked if we <br />would like to try to get the property to the east <br />of the Cemetery into the MTA agreement so that it <br />can be purchased. There is money available for <br />this type of use, but it is done on a priority <br />basis. If we would like to get this piece of <br />property in there we have the opportunity to do <br />so. <br /> <br />Mayor Fauson: Would this be part of open space and who would <br />maintain it? <br /> <br />Hornbostel: The open space that is with the parkway is <br />maintained by Boulder County, so it would be <br />maintained by Boulder County and this is already <br />in the agreement that we have signed with <br />Lafayette and Boulder County before. It just <br />hasn't been purchased. <br /> <br />Howard: Does this over shoot the MTC budget to acquire <br />open space? <br /> <br />Hornbostel: That is going to be a concern, I do not know at <br />this point. <br /> <br />There was a plan that was brought to the table by <br />a group of people who felt they would like us to <br />plan in advance as to whether we are doing <br />everything we possibly can to make sure that this <br />road is not going to be over capacity by the time <br />we build it. There are ways they have came up <br />with to do that and that is van pooling, car <br />pooling and trying to get RTD park and rides along <br />the way. What they would like to see is that <br />included in this so that basically we get the best <br />mileage out of this road. Also the group has <br />asked that this be done before we add additional <br />lanes. This is an issue on whether this needs to <br />be included or not. <br /> <br />Another group of people want to create a parkway <br />authority. Some of the W-470 proponents believe <br />that there is not enough money to do what they <br />would like to do. There is money in this to do <br />the road as it is, which is a Class 2 highway. <br />That means it has access every half mile. Class 2 <br />means you can have at grade intersections. They <br />felt that portions of the road should be tolled <br />and in order to do that you have to have an <br /> <br /> <br />3 <br />