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Open Space Advisory Board <br />Minutes <br />November 8, 2023 <br />Page 4 of 5 <br />remediation. Helen thought this presentation would make a good education program for the <br />public and Ember agreed. <br />9. Discussion Item: 2023 Open Space Goat Grazing. Presented by Kaiti Singley, <br />Goat Green, LLC. <br />Ms. Singley introduced her company, Goat Green. They use goats for a variety of land <br />management goals. They spend a lot of time on public education. Goats have a lot of positive <br />impacts on soil beyond simply cropping vegetation. Goats are good at removing fire loads and <br />grazing in places machinery can't reach. They are browsers and prefer leaves over grass. This <br />year they grazed at North Open Space in the spring and fall. She shared some before and after <br />pictures. During the fall they also grazed the goats into city ditches. The largest predator of <br />their goats is off -leash dogs and she was happy to report that there were no dog conflicts on <br />Louisville Open Space this year. Susan asked if the goats could over -graze grass. Ms. Singley <br />replied that they only stay on the graze for 8 days, so overgrazing wasn't likely. Charles asked <br />about the feedback from the neighbors, and she replied that the feedback was all very positive. <br />10. Discussion Item: Overview of 2023 Fire Mitigation Efforts and Program Refinement <br />for 2024. Presented by Nathaniel Goeckner, Natural Resource Supervisor. <br />Nathaniel is the new Natural Resource Supervisor for the City of Louisville. He used this time to <br />introduce himself and present an ArcGIS "storymap" that is on the Open Space webpage and <br />will be on a County -wide database, detailing City's the wildfire mitigation work. It maps mowing <br />and grazing and is searchable by addresses, so citizens can see what work is being done <br />locally. This document is live and will be constantly updated. Nathaniel has a background in <br />wildland fires and forest restoration. He commented that there has already been a lot of <br />remediation being done in Louisville, like trail and perimeter mowing. The goal of perimeter <br />mowing is to drop the flame -length of a fire and to allow firefighters access. Fire can never be <br />fully excluded from a landscape, but mitigation can make it easier to control. <br />Helen observed that social trails are appearing in mowed sections on open space, and she is <br />very worried about their impact. Helen suggested that these materials state that mowed areas <br />are not to be used as dog off -leash areas and trails. Ember thought that could be part of the <br />education during 2024 and suggested that OSAB could advise on messaging. <br />Nathaniel shared a summary analysis of the grazing and mowing totals and timing for the 2023 <br />season. Total acres mitigated: 412. Total miles mitigated: 187.6. Nathaniel thought this was a <br />remarkably high total for a staff of 7 people. He pointed out that native shortgrass prairie is <br />shorter and gives more open ground and doesn't all cure at the same time. All these things <br />make it more fire resistant and resilient. The noxious weed management Open Space is <br />currently doing to fight cheatgrass and Japanese brome is also helpful to reduce fire. <br />Laura asked how much advertisement for the storymap there had been. Ember said that it is on <br />the Open Space webpage, but they will push it out more after they have received some <br />feedback about it. <br />