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Open Space Advisory Board Agenda and Packet 2023 12 13
2023 Open Space Advisory Board Agendas and Packets
Open Space Advisory Board Agenda and Packet 2023 12 13
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12/20/2023 4:59:53 PM
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12/20/2023 1:11:16 PM
City Council Records
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Open Space Advisory Board <br />Minutes <br />November 8, 2023 <br />Page 3 of 5 <br />process about this. Michiko asked about the recently -passed Boulder County sales tax ballot <br />measure to fund their open space. Helen said that their open space budget is separate from <br />Louisville's but that those funds sometimes are used to buy and manage properties and projects <br />jointly with Louisville and other cities. Helen recommended that in a few years there should be <br />a ballot measure recommending to eliminate the sunset on the Open Space and Parks sales <br />tax, the way Lafayette did. <br />• There will be a meeting between OSAB and City Council on February 13th. The evening <br />will be shared with three other boards, so each board will get about 30 minutes with Council. <br />David thought this didn't seem like enough time. Helen said that these meetings used to involve <br />two boards on a night, not four. <br />• David attended a South Boulder Rd. transportation corridor steering meeting studying <br />multi -modes of transportation, safety, etc. The planning is for 2040-2050. They meet every <br />other month. This committee is under the auspices of DRCOG. <br />• The board discussed the cover letter for the acquisition memo. Laura will finish it. She <br />hadn't realized people wanted the longer document. <br />Susan shared that there was a pine marten in her yard this afternoon. <br />8. Discussion Item: 2023 Open Space Regenerative Cattle Grazing. Presented by <br />Andy Breiter and Emily Gallagher of Grama Grass and Livestock, LLC. <br />Mr. Breiter and Ms. Gallagher reported on the three cattle grazes they did on the City of <br />Louisville open space during 2023, two on Davidson Mesa and one on North Open Space. The <br />goal is to build ecosystem resiliency and to reduce fire fuel load. They try to mimic the action of <br />native bison by frequently moving the cattle through an area, followed by long periods of rest <br />and recovery for the grass and soil. Mr. Breiter emphasized that this sort of active management <br />requires being responsive to the weather conditions. For example, in May there was so much <br />rainfall that the cattle were pugging the soil, which is undesirable, so they moved the cows <br />around twice a day to minimize this impact. They monitored their impact with photo points and <br />soil sampling using PLFA soil diversity surveys. The soil sampling revealed a lack of soil <br />organism diversity: the soils were heavily bacterial -dominant. He shared pictures from the <br />grazes and shared some of the highlights. He shared images showing fuel reduction in the <br />grass, saying that the goal is to create a landscape with heterogeneous grass length. Staff and <br />Grama Grass did an education event for the City this season, when they herded the cattle <br />across Davidson Mesa. <br />Mr. Breiter recommended a higher grazing density in the spring for next year to stimulate grass <br />cover diversity. Susan asked how grazing would help foster diversity on North Open Space, <br />which is mostly a smooth brome monoculture. Mr. Breiter replied that there is probably a good <br />native seed bed under all that cover, but that smooth brome is a very fierce competitor, so this <br />transition would take time; grazing can help open up places for other grasses to get established, <br />but it is no magic bullet. He emphasized that there is a certain amount of trial and error in the <br />process. He thanked City staff and KCM Photography, a private citizen who took pictures and <br />shared them. Helen asked if the grazing contract had been renewed. Ember replied that the <br />contract needed the sales tax to pass, but now they would be able to consider renewal. Ember <br />emphasized that this grazing effort is trying to both reduce fuel load and foster shortgrass prairie <br />
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