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Revitalization Commission <br />Minutes <br />November 15, 2023 <br />Page 3 of 6 <br />Commissioner Comments: <br />There was a discussion around the skating rink funding, revenue, and long-term management. <br />M71INST11i1-Tow <br />David asked how the skating rink would be profitable and Commissioner Smith noted that the <br />big expense of purchasing the equipment was funded by LRC this year and ongoing <br />management of the rink will be a smaller expense as against future annual revenues. <br />Commissioner Harald motioned to approve the resolution to adopt the LRC FY 2024 budget; <br />Commissioner Smith seconded. Roll call vote: unanimously approved. <br />Discussion/Direction — Property Improvement Proaram: <br />The EV Specialist presented a summary of the proposed Property Improvement Program with <br />the intent to receive input from the LRC regarding the overall goals of the program and criteria <br />for funding approval. There was a discussion around this topic, and it was noted cohesiveness <br />between this program and the Fagade Improvement Program will be important. The EV <br />Specialist also provided information on comparable plans currently in place in other <br />municipalities and there was a discussion around the Broomfield program in particular, noting <br />that it is within the URA and appears to have begun in 2022. Chair Adler requested information <br />on how many applications they received and how much funding was awarded. Broomfield <br />issued awards for 25 recipients in 2023. Commissioner Smith noted that this program appears <br />to be more geared toward the property owner. <br />Other programs reviewed were Parker, Fort Lupton, Canon City. Austin will check if Canon City <br />is the URA or City program. <br />Commissioner Comments: <br />Commissioner Williams asked about code updates being mandated as part of the program. The <br />EV Specialist will research and send additional information to the LRC. It was noted that the <br />LRC can decide whether to strongly encourage code updates in the program. There was a <br />discussion around improvements benefiting the property owner as well as the tenant and, <br />ultimately, the community. Commissioner Williams expressed concern that increased <br />commercial property taxes will be passed on to tenants and asked how LRC might insure <br />against extreme rent increases from these improvements, which would be untenable for small <br />businesses to bear. There was a discussion around possible rent control language in the award <br />agreements. There was also a discussion around possible property acquisition. Chair Adler <br />suggested a separate conversation around property acquisition for the LRC at a future meeting. <br />The City Manager reviewed the current status of the Mill Levy and proposed tax increases in <br />future years. He reminded the LRC there are other taxing jurisdictions, such as Fire, School <br />district etc. that the city doesn't control. <br />Commissioner Harald suggested the first year of this program should be considered a pilot and <br />noted that criteria and evaluation are very important to keep in balance. He agrees that code <br />Agenda Packet P. 5 <br />