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• Council should consider the Board and Commission proposed work plans in light of <br />the Council Work Plan, the Budget, and Council's organizational direction. Boards and <br />Commissions are not authorized to set policy or provide direction, especially if contrary <br />to that of City Council or departmental work plans. Staff effectiveness and moral can <br />be negatively impacted by even the perception of role conflict in this regard. <br />When there is a difference of opinion between City Council and a Board or Commission, it is <br />certainly worth understanding where the differences arise. However, it is important to <br />remember that policy decisions are the sole discretion of City Council. Staff believes it would <br />be appropriate to remind the members of Boards and Commissions that they are advisory <br />and how they can best advise staff and the City Council on their areas of interest. Further, <br />Council should provide guidance to ensure work plans are aligned with their advisory role. <br />It would also be appropriate to remind Board and Commissions that operational and <br />administrative matters are the responsibility of the City Manager under the oversight of City <br />Council. <br />Both PPLAB and OSAB have asked for clarity on their quasi-judicial role. Currently the code <br />states: <br />The board shall provide comments to the council and/or planning commission <br />on development proposals for land immediately adjacent to, or materially <br />impacting, open space lands providing the comments are provided during the <br />standard referral timeliness established for the city's development processes. <br />Staff will coordinate providing the board with information on pending issues to <br />provide the board a timely opportunity to provide such comments as part of the <br />established planning process. <br />If Council no longer wishes PPLAB or OSAB to give comments on land use cases thereby <br />removing their quasi-judicial status, Council should direct staff to bring an ordinance <br />removing this OSAB duty from the code. <br />Parks and Public Landscaping Advisory Board (PPLAB) <br />PPLAB provided Council with a Council Communication, draft 2024 work plan, and list of <br />2023 accomplishments. <br />Open Space Advisory Board (OSAB) <br />OSAB provided Council with a Council Communication, a work plan included within the <br />Council Communication and power point presentation, and a memo with supporting <br />documentation regarding "OSAB 2023 Property Acquisition Recommendations". <br />While it may sound in the communication like OSAB (as a Board) was involved in campaign <br />for approval of ballot question 2C, we know that was not the case. The City, and any of its <br />public bodies, are prohibited from allocating any resources toward ballot questions by the Fair <br /> 749 Main Street 303.666.6565 <br />Louisville, CO 80227 <br />