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10. Resident Services Update <br />a) Housing Counseling Class Calendars <br />b) Senior Housing Newsletter <br />11. Matters from Members of the Board <br />12. Discussion of Agenda Items for next LHA board meeting: October 26 2010 at <br />Regal Square Apartments. <br />13. Executive Session: Pursuant to C.R.S. Section 24- 6- 402(4)(a) for the purpose of <br />discussion of potential purchase or acquisition of real property located within the <br />City of Louisville. <br />14. Adjourn <br />*Any member of the Public may speak on any subject not related to the agenda. Anyone <br />wishing to speak will have the opportunity to address the board. Please keep comments to <br />a maximum of 5 minutes. <br />It is the policy of the Boulder County Housing Authority to make programs, meetings, activities and services accessible to individuals <br />with disabilities. In order to provide special services such as interpreters or provide special materials in special formats such as large <br />print, Braille, or computer disks the county needs to be informed of the individual's special needs. If you need special assistance contact <br />Julia Yager, ADA Coordinator, or the Human Resources Division at 303 441 -3508 at least 48 hours before the scheduled event. <br />La politica de BCHA es hacer que los programas, juntas, actividades y servicios sean accesibles para gente discapacitada. Para poder <br />ofrecer servicios especiales como interpretes o material en algal' formato especial, como impresi6nes mas grandes, Braille, o disco de <br />computadora, el condado requiere que le informen de las necesidades especiales de cada individuo. Si ud. requiere atenci6n especial, por <br />favor comunfquese con Julia Yager, coordinadora del ADA o a la oficina de Recursos Humanos al 303 -441 -3508 cuando menos 48 horas <br />antes del evento. <br />