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AGREEMENT <br />PROJECT: 2010 SOLAR PV <br />PROJECT NUMBER: <br />OWNER: CITY OF LOUISVILLE, COLORADO <br />This Agreement is made and entered this zZell day of y eCeri1h ' , 2010 by and <br />between the City of Louisville ( "City "), a Colorado municipal corporation and Bella Energy, <br />Inc., a Colorado corporation ( "Contractor "). <br />THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: <br />1. Scope of Work — Price. Contractor agrees to perform design, engineering, <br />procurement, permitting, construction, installation and commissioning for the City for a complete <br />solar photovoltaic (PV) power system comprised of three (3) approximately one hundred (100) kW <br />PV systems at three (3) sites within the City, to include all of the work and all of the system <br />components, facilities and services set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by <br />reference (hereinafter the "Work "). The City agrees to authorize payment, in full payment for the <br />performance of the Work in compliance with this Agreement, an amount not to exceed <br />$1,330,000.00, as provided in Section 7 below. Contractor shall furnish, except as may <br />otherwise be provided in writing, all labor, services, materials, supplies, parts, tools, and <br />equipment for the completion of the Work. Contractor will construct and complete the Work in <br />a thorough and workmanlike manner in every respect to the satisfaction and approval of the City, <br />within the time specified herein. <br />2. Contract Documents. The Work shall be done in strict accordance with all <br />scope of Work documents and specifications attached hereto as Exhibit A and with the <br />following additional documents: Exhibit B Technology Description, Exhibit C Cost Proposal <br />and submitted drawings. All of such documents are hereby made a part of this Agreement and <br />form the contract documents as fully as if the same were set forth at length herein. <br />3. Compliance and Licensing. a. Contractor shall be responsible for providing <br />any measures necessary for insuring the safety of the public during the performance of the Work, <br />such as barricading and traffic control, in accordance with the requirements of the City. <br />b. Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining and complying with all necessary <br />permits, ordinances, and laws, including but not limited to building permits, grading <br />permits and laws concerning the control of fugitive dust. Contractor shall pay all use taxes, <br />permit fees and other charges for permits and approvals required by the City of Louisville. <br />c. Contractor and all subcontractors performing the Work provided for in this <br />Agreement shall be licensed contractors in the City of Louisville and shall pay the required fees <br />for such license. <br />1 <br />