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BRaD <br />Meeting Summary <br />November 1, 2010 <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />PRESENTATION - DOWNTOWN PARKING AND PEDESTRIAN PLAN IMPROVEMENTS - <br />Troy Russ, Planning Director, presented an update on the Parking and Pedestrian Action Plan for <br />downtown. There are 26 projects planned to improve the pedestrian and parking experience <br />along the blocks from Pine Street on the south to South Street on the North. A series of <br />information -gathering meetings (Ordinance Review Process) will be conducted through the months <br />of November/December to solicit feedback from other City departments, DBA and Chamber. Staff <br />hopes to have a Plan ready for adoption in January 2011. <br />Bob Muckle, Councilor, would like to see the estimated costs for the proposed improvements at <br />Pine and Front Street. <br />Rob Lathrop commended the Planning Department and the LRC for their work. Requested <br />feedback from the meetings at the December BRAD meeting. <br />UPDATE ON CTC TRAIL CONNECTION — <br />Rob Lathrop introduced the discussion item. A subcommittee was formed to take a look at a trail <br />connection from CTC to Coal Creek Trail and on to downtown because of the need expressed by <br />CTC employees and landowners. Four possible alternatives were presented at the September <br />meeting, 3 of which connect directly to the Coal Creek Trail through the open space, the fourth <br />coming down 96th Street and connecting at the bottom to the Coal Creek Trail at the intersection of <br />Highway 42. Rob met with Parks and Recreation staff several times since the last meeting to talk <br />about this future trail connection and get Parks and Recreation staff input. <br />Background: <br />In the minutes from a 2000 City Council Meeting, reference is made to the soft surface trail that <br />was built on the adjoining lot to Lockheed Martin, and that it should be used for the future trail <br />connection. <br />The need for the trail is referenced in the Open Space Master Plan adopted in January of 2004. It <br />states that "a trail connection between CTC and Coal Creek Trail as part of the 96th Street/Highway <br />42 Connector is the preferred alignment." <br />In 2005, Parks and Recreation staff looked at the CTC Trail project and some trail alternatives, <br />and it was decided at that time to postpone the project to 2015 basically because the project <br />lacked funding and priority. <br />Joe Stevens, Parks and Recreation Director, attended today's meeting to give a staff perspective <br />of the project. The Parks and Recreation staff is in support of the project, and needs to consider <br />the CTC Open Space property classification, Preserve and Protect, when designing a trail through <br />the Open Space. The CTC trail is currently planned for 2015, but staff is in support of moving it to <br />