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BRaD <br />Meeting Summary <br />November 1, 2010 <br />Page 3 of 3 <br />2012. Staff needs to know the preferred route in order to request design proposals from <br />engineering firms. Joe commented that perhaps funding could come from a GOCO Grant or CTC <br />Metro District to assist in funding the project and there might be a grant for the design as well. Bob <br />Muckle recommended getting cost proposals for alternatives A and B. City staff will present design <br />costs at the December BRAD meeting and detailed plans at the January BRAD meeting. <br />Malcolm Fleming confirmed City staff is excited about this project and in support of moving up the <br />project to 2012. <br />Scott Reichenberg met with the CTC Metro District last week and presented the trail project to the <br />group. The Metro District is frustrated to be asked to fund this project when they have been <br />waiting for acceptance of two public improvement projects. They believe one of these is close to <br />being resolved. <br />RETENTION VISITS OVERVIEW: <br />Lowe's — Lowe's said they want to be more involved in the community and be connected to the <br />other businesses in Louisville; they have a budget planned to support funding activities in 2011. <br />No complaints from the store management, but they have concerns about store visibility from <br />McCaslin. Staff and BRAD members passed on information for the downtown street faire, and it <br />was suggested they have a float in the Parade of Lights in December. <br />Intertek — The management at Intertek is happy and have no complaints. They recently relocated <br />to CTC from the Gunbarrel area and do electrical impulse testing. They are an international <br />company with many other offices. <br />Trek — Visit postponed <br />Chris Rogers — Chris Rogers builds robots in his home basement and plans to sell them on the <br />Internet. The robots that he makes can be used in small spaces. Mr. Rogers was surprised the <br />City was interested in visiting his operation. He requested staff provide him a connection to Lucid <br />Dimensions and BRAD members, Bonnie and Chris, are working to set this up. <br />EDCC — VITALE PUBLIC OPINION SURVEY ON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT <br />Bonnie presented the findings from the Vitale & Associates survey conducted of "Likely 2010 <br />General Election Voter" Attitudes in Colorado for the Economic Development Council of Colorado <br />(EDCC). <br />OCTOBER ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BRIEFING: <br />• A Grand Finale — closed their stores in Louisville and Lafayette. The Louisville <br />space is vacated and is for rent. <br />• Organic Market on Main Street specializing in organic and specialty foods will be <br />opening Nov 6. <br />• Grain Elevator — Historic Preservation Commission has funds to support an RFP for <br />restoring the site. <br />