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Historic Preservation Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />December 13, 2010 <br />Page 2 of 6 <br /> <br />Longo answered the field work will be done in approximately 3 weeks but the historical <br />research will take longer. <br />Lewis asked if Lingo was using the original survey forms done in 2000. <br />Lingo answered in the affirmative. <br />Muckle asked if a period of significance has been established. <br />Lingo answered it has not been determined. The default answer is 50 years ago, but <br />that won’t be the final time frame established. <br />Muckle asked if the information would be GIS compatible. <br />Lingo stated it would be GIS compatible. She has been working with Susan Dellinger, <br />City of Louisville GIS coordinator. <br />Stewart asked if Lingo has included the historic building rating system definitions from <br />page 51 of the Downtown Handbook. <br />Lingo answered in the affirmative. <br />Lewis asked if Lingo believed the state would use Bacon’s social history research. <br />Lingo answered they are very interested in the social history and would use the <br />information. <br />Stewart asked Lingo’s opinion on the benefits of being designated by the state as an <br />historic district. <br />Lingo answered tax credits are the greatest benefit. <br />Public Comments – <br />Janice Hoffman, 1131 Jefferson Avenue, asked what established the boundary for the <br />survey. <br />Lingo answered it was the boundary of Jefferson Place Subdivision. <br />Pre-filing Conference – 728 Grant Avenue – Rear Addition <br />McCartney reviewed the memo included in the packet. <br />Cameron Weise, applicant, presented his proposal for an addition. He was seeking <br />guidance in whether the addition could be done if he were to landmark his residence. <br />Poppitz stated the project appeared to be a prime example of a sensitive rear addition. <br />Weise asked what would happen if the rear windows were changed. <br />Lewis answered he might be able to slightly modify the windows in the rear and not lose <br />integrity. <br />McCartney spoke about having a roof pitch less than 6:12. <br />Koertje stated the HPC is in favor of providing design assistance for this project. <br />Lewis stated she would help the owner with design assistance. <br /> <br />