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Planning Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />March 14, 2024 <br />Page 5 of 8 <br />requirements for the preliminary and final PUD processes were different. She added that <br />there would be less opportunity for public engagement, and less opportunity for <br />developers to take on feedback from the community. She suggested that waiver requests <br />should bar applicants from utilizing the expedited process. She also felt that there needed <br />to be a clear definition of "material", as there would otherwise be too much decision - <br />making authority given to the planning director. <br />Cathern Smith, resident, wanted to ensure that the Commission understood the potential <br />consequences of the proposed changes to § 17.28.250 B. She also wanted a clearer <br />definition of "material", and asked whether notice would be voided by last minute changes <br />to the proposed ordinance. <br />Staff Closing Statement: <br />Post added that the requirements for the final plat process built on the requirements for <br />the preliminary one, and that the requirements for the preliminary process would still apply <br />to the final plat, even if the preliminary process was waived. He also noted that the City <br />had adopted a concept plan process, which would provide for more public engagement <br />opportunities for larger developments. <br />Zuccaro added that the proposed ordinance was mainly about PUDs, and that the <br />preliminary and final plat regulations would still apply. The changes would only be <br />applicable to properties that had already been subdivided. <br />Discussion by Commissioners: <br />Choi felt that reducing duplicative steps was good for the City and was in support of <br />streamlining this process. He appreciated that there were off -ramps from this mechanism, <br />and that staff could still require applicant go into the preliminary process. He was in <br />support of the ordinance with the proposed condition. <br />Baskett was in support of the proposed revisions to the ordinance and noted that there <br />had been lots of discussion about reducing burdensome regulation and helping the City <br />to be more business friendly. She added that she trusted the judgment of staff and was <br />in support of the proposal. <br />Bangs said that he was in support. He trusted that the planning director would be <br />sensitive to public comments and would deny an expedited process if they felt there was <br />a need for extra public hearings. He asked whether the amendments to the proposal <br />would require re -noticing. <br />Zuccaro said that the amendments to the proposed ordinance would not require re - <br />noticing, though the Commission could choose to request this. <br />Bangs asked to confirm that Zuccaro could choose to deny an applicant the option of the <br />expedited process. <br />Zuccaro clarified that this would only be the case if there were changes to the plat, and <br />that there would not be an override if it complied with the code. <br />7 <br />