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Planning Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />March 14, 2024 <br />Page 6of8 <br />Zuccaro added that other cities give the planning director broader authority to decide on <br />cases like this, however staff wanted there to be more predictability in the code. <br />Bangs also noted that former Mayor Maloney was still listed on the proposed ordinance, <br />and that this would need to be changed. <br />Hunt said that she was also in support, as she thought it would help to lessen the burden <br />on staff and to eliminate redundancy. <br />Mihaly said that he was in support. He felt that there would still be enough opportunity <br />for public engagement, and that the proposal still had sufficient checks and balances in <br />place. <br />Moline said that he was in support, and that he was comfortable things would not be <br />missed in the streamlined process. <br />Brauneis noted that the things that tended to come up in a final review were the things <br />that were only required for a final review, and that the Commission would therefore not <br />miss any important information. He was in support of the proposal. <br />Hunt moved to approve Resolution 2, Series 2024, with the condition that the words <br />"extent", "location", and "or" be removed from § 17.28.250 B (3). This was seconded by <br />Moline. The motion was adopted by a vote of 7 to 0. <br />b) Comprehensive Plan Discussion — project update, vision and values discussion <br />Staff Presentation: <br />Hirt introduced the discussion on the Comprehensive Plan. <br />Allison Cotey and Jessica Garrow, Design Workshop, presented an update on the <br />Comprehensive Plan process. They covered what was and was not included in the plan, <br />and the branding that was to be used for the plan. The focus for this discussion was to be <br />on "Vision and Values" for the Comprehensive Plan. They asked the Commissioners how <br />they had used previous Comprehensive Plans, and what they would like to see from the <br />new one. <br />Commissioner Discussion: <br />Moline said that he had used the previous plan to help evaluate land use proposals, and <br />found it useful as a way to be reminded of what people valued in Louisville. <br />Brauneis noted that one challenge from previous plans was that much of the language <br />was aspirational, making it harder to use as a determining factor. <br />Choi said that he had previously used the plan to provide overall context to where the <br />City was at that point and has applied that to his decision -making on applications before <br />the Planning Commission. He also used it to identify what had changed in the City over <br />time, and what parts of the plan were no longer relevant. <br />Cotey asked what parts of the last plan Choi felt were no longer relevant. <br />8 <br />