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Planning Commission <br />Staff Report <br />September 12, 2024 <br />to be seen as products of their own time yet compatible with their older <br />neighbors. <br />Staff find the new construction is differentiated from the existing, historic buildings in <br />Downtown and appears as a product of its own time while maintaining historic elements. <br />G29. Maintain the existing range of exterior wall materials found in downtown. <br />1) Appropriate materials for primary structures include horizontal and vertical siding, <br />shingles and brick. <br />2) The lap dimensions of siding should be similar to those found traditionally. <br />Typically 4-6 inches exposed. <br />6) For larger buildings, consider a combination of appropriate materials as a means <br />to reduce the apparent size of the project. <br />Staff find brick is an appropriate material for the primary facade of a Downtown building. <br />The facade also include smooth lap siding similar to traditional siding in Downtown. The <br />use of materials that includes brick and pedestrian -scale windows. The colors were <br />selected from a historic colors preservation palette. <br />G31. New materials may be considered, if they appear similar in character and detailing <br />to those used traditionally. <br />3) Details of hard board siding, and their joints, should match that of traditional <br />wood siding. <br />Staff find the use of brick and horizontal siding matches traditional materials and form in <br />Downtown. <br />C3. Maintain the average scale of one-story buildings at the sidewalk. <br />1) Traditionally, most commercial storefronts in this area were one- or two -stories in <br />height and, while each block contained a mix of these heights, an overall sense <br />of unity in scale was established. <br />2) In larger projects, a mix of one- and two-story modules should be used to <br />maintain variety in heights. <br />3) New construction should present a tall one-story or two-story facade at the front <br />property line. This facade height should not exceed 30 feet. <br />4) Floor -to -floor heights should also appear similar to those buildings seen <br />traditionally. <br />The use of the storefront windows and horizontal wood siding help to provides a one- <br />story visual element to help reinforce the pedestrian scale of the building. Staff finds the <br />intent of this policy is met with the building design. <br />C7. Rectangular forms should be dominant on Core Area facades. <br />1) The facade should appear as predominantly flat, with any decorative elements <br />and projecting or setback "articulations" appearing to be subordinate to the <br />dominant form. <br />8 <br />