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City Council Finance Committee <br />Meeting Minutes <br />September 19, 2024 <br />Page 4 of 7 <br />Councilmember Hoefner commented that the Parks fund should be prioritized relatively high on the work <br />plan for 2025 and generally what we do with fund balances that are trending in this direction over the <br />medium to long term. Councilmember Kern agreed with Councilmember Hoefner. <br />Councilmember Kern asked what the Austin Neuhoff Decarb project is. Samma responded that it is the <br />white house next to City Hall with office space for Sustainability and Economic Vitality. <br />Councilmember Kern asked if pickleball was entered in two funds. The Director of Finance responded that <br />it is from a submission from our Parks Department, assuming a reasonable methodology in splitting <br />expenses. The Parks Superintendent responded that some of the public spaces can be funded using <br />Recreation Center revenues. Councilmember Kern asked for additional information from the Parks, <br />Recreation and Open Space Director on where that is and how it balances out. <br />Councilmember Hoefner had a question about converting the volleyball and skating areas to add more <br />pickleball courts. The Parks Superintendent responded that the cost to build new pickleball courts is much <br />more significant than converting underutilized spaces. She added that temporary pickleball courts have <br />already been implemented on the skating rink in an attempt to balance the requests from the community. <br />Councilmember Hamlington asked for clarity on what we are hoping to get out of this discussion today. <br />Councilmember Hoefner responded that the timing wasn't ideal to not have the PowerPoint prior to the <br />meeting and it is a lot of information to digest. The committee has between now and October 1 to make <br />a recommendation to Council since that is when the recommended budget will be presented to Council. <br />He encouraged the committee members to spend time with this information and suggested that, if a <br />special meeting is needed before October 1, one should be scheduled. <br />Councilmember Hamlington commented that, given the timeframe in which she received this information <br />she is unable to provide an educated recommendation today. She added that she has questions on several <br />items; specifically, she would like to discuss in more detail the affordable housing and decarb for city <br />facilities. She wants to understand over the next few years where these two items stand and understand <br />more what the $2M affordable housing item is for and why it was included in the budget. The Director of <br />Finance responded that from the September 3 presentation, staff received direction to include affordable <br />housing and the solar project in the 2025/2026 CIP budget. The Interim City Manager clarified that the <br />solar projects were added back to the out years and decarbonization for 2025-26 is as presented on <br />September 3. <br />Councilmember Kern asked to review the detail for the 5-year plan for the solar implementation by year. <br />The Director of Finance responded that the solar project was added back to 2029r. He added that solar <br />was pulled out of our decarbonization projects for all but the Recreation Center, found on page 121 of the <br />meeting packet. Councilmember Kern asked for additional time and more detailed information to <br />adequately go through this budget presentation before sending a recommendation to Council. She feels <br />council is hearing from the community that the decarb plan is a very important project for us to move <br />forward with. She asked for more clarity on the projects listed in the CIP plan. <br />6/87 <br />