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City Council Finance Committee <br />Meeting Minutes <br />September 19, 2024 <br />Page 5 of 7 <br />Councilmember Hoefner commented that there was a lot of pressure from council at the last budget <br />meeting to pursue the affordable housing piece and the committee needs to keep this in mind. The broader <br />question about CIP is really that we are pushed up against the edge of what we can do; is that where we <br />want to be and what path do we want to pursue. There are large items that were added back in, and he <br />would like to spend more time on the information to be able to review it in detail. <br />Councilmember Kern asked if several of the large CIP projects related to public works in general? She felt <br />that the Director of Public Works commented on the exponential increase in costs by pushing them out <br />would cost substantially more than trying to complete them in 2025-26. She asked to see the details of <br />this. She suggested if there are projects that will save the community a lot of money by doing them now <br />instead of in future years, we would like to see details on those. She wants to ensure that core service <br />items get done and be able to identify projects that are desirable but perhaps not a necessity. <br />Councilmember Hoefner agreed that the information requested by Councilmember Kern would be helpful. <br />He mentioned that anything that can provide a sense of priority and impact would be helpful. He is not <br />persuaded that this is where we will land. <br />Councilmember Kern commented on an unfunded open space project unfunded, saying that she realizes <br />that the group is struggling with how to understand, balance, and distribute the funds between parks and <br />open space. The intention of the voters was not to see parks deteriorate at the expense of open space, <br />but to make contributions to make both lovely. She has a concern that we are not fulfilling a project for <br />open space. We have heard from a lot of residents advocating for the equitable distribution of non -directly <br />associated sales tax dollars going to parks and not open space. She wants to make sure the committee is <br />getting all the correct information before making decisions related to this topic. The Director of Finance <br />commented that neither parks nor open space had every project funded. The Director of Finance worked <br />with the Director of PROS on the ranking of parks and open space projects. Councilmember Kern requested <br />the detailed information on the ranking of all of the parks and open space projects. <br />Councilmember Hoefner suggested an additional meeting next week to discuss the proposed budget in <br />detail. The Interim Deputy City Manager noted that Thursday would work and reminded the committee <br />that Tuesday night's council meeting has been canceled so that time could be used. She added that a <br />meeting on Tuesday night would allow the Finance Department time to prepare the packet for the October <br />1 Council Meeting. The Director of finance commented that there is a lot of information in the packet, and <br />he understands the need for more detail and a working session. <br />There was a discussion between the committee members on the best day for a working session meeting. <br />The Interim City Manager informed the committee that she and the Director of Public Works will be out of <br />state at a conference next week and will attend virtually. <br />The Committee agreed upon scheduling an additional meeting at 5:30 on Tuesday, September 24. <br />The Interim Deputy City Manager asked the committee to consider that any additional information for the <br />meeting packet would need to be posted tomorrow. She asked the committee to please be clear on what <br />information is needed in addition to what has already been provided. <br />7/87 <br />