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L <br />City of Louisville <br />749 Main Street Louisville, Colorado 80027 666-6565 <br />BOARD OF APPEALS AND BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS <br />Date October 9, 1986 <br />Case No. #4-1986 <br />Petition of George Oil Company Inc. <br />Premises affected 947 Pine Street <br />Referring to the above petition for determination as to the requirements <br />of the Louisville Municipal Code 17.56 <br />so as to permit <br />After a public hearing the Board of Adjustments determined that the <br />above proposed use (is) (MEW permitted for this Zoning District based <br />on the following restrictions: <br />George Oil is to maintain the 5334 elevation for the flood zone. <br />Also George 0i1 is to maintain the same parkin.; lot elevation. <br />Signed: <br />Board of Appeals and Board of Adjustments <br />