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LIBRARY NEWS <br /> NEW PLUSYSTEM BACK TO SCHOOL <br /> Looking for a book, audiobook, compact disc, or The Library staff invites teachers and educators to <br /> video? Can't find it in the Louisville/Boulder/ include the Louisville Public Library in their plans and <br /> Broomfield catalog? preparations for the new <br /> Just click on PLUS! school year. We welcome <br /> your visits to discover the <br /> The Louisville Public Library has become a partner variety of resources that are <br /> library in the PLUS system, a consortium of public available at the Library. We <br /> libraries in Colorado dedicated to sharing resources 11 11 II 111111 can provide supplemental <br /> and making them more available to our customers. = materials for special units of <br /> Currently, this consortium includes the Jefferson study for your students and <br /> County Public Library, the Arapahoe Library we can arrange class visits. Because time slots fill <br /> District, the Aurora Public Library, and now the <br /> Louisville, Boulder, and Broomfield Public quickly,we urge you to schedule class visits at least two <br /> Libraries. If you are looking for an item that is not weeks in advance. Telephone reference is available and <br /> available in our local catalog,you can search the with prior notice we can pull together materials on <br /> combined catalog of these libraries and request the specific topics. Please introduce yourself to the Adult <br /> item online with a click of your mouse. Anyone Reference and Youth Services Staff when you visit the <br /> with a Louisville Public Library card who is in good Library to check out items for your classroom. If you <br /> standing may request items from other libraries have additional questions, please check the Library <br /> linked by PLUS. homepage at You may <br /> also call the Youth Services Desk at 303-666-6037, ext. <br /> How does this work? 676 or e-mail Youth Services Librarian Carol Purfurst <br /> • access the Louisville Public Library catalog at purfurc <br /> online: /� <br /> • perform a search DVDs ARE HERE <br /> Wound in our catalog click on the REQUEST <br /> button to place a local hold The long-awaited DVDs have arrived at the Library. <br /> If NOT found, click on the PLUS button to repeat the Come check out some new hits such as Billy Elliot, <br /> search in PLUS Gladiator, Three Kings, and <br /> Remember the Titans as well as <br /> • click on REQUEST THIS I'T'EM classics such as Rear Window, <br /> ci! ' <br /> • select BOUL/LOUIS/BROOM for <br /> Rebel Without a Cause, Ben-Hur, <br /> institution and Casablanca. DVDs are <br /> available for checkout for one <br /> • enter your name and library card number week, with one renewal, and a <br /> • enter your pickup location: Louisville Public $1.00 per day late fee. The purchase of the DVDs was <br /> Library made possible through the generous donations of <br /> Library supporters and funded by the Louisville Public <br /> • click on the SUBMIT button Library Foundation. Because of its success, the <br /> If available, the item will be delivered to the Foundation was also able to fund the purchase of 13 <br /> Louisville Public Library for you to pick up within new art prints. Art prints may be borrowed for a four- <br /> three days of notification. week checkout period. <br /> liMm Autumn 2001 <br />