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SENIOR REBATES UTILITY BILL REFUND <br /> On August 1, the City began accepting 2000 Property On your November water and sewer bill you will <br /> Tax Rebate and Water Use Rebate applications for notice a refund. This mill levy refund is for all <br /> seniors. The rebates will be available through December Louisville utility customers,excluding irrigation billings <br /> 31, 2001. To qualify for a Property Tax Rebate,an and customers outside the City limits <br /> applicant must meet all of the following requirements: 0 <br /> The refund is to offset the mill „ow*`, <br /> • The applicant or his/her spouse must be 65 years levy that residents pay as a result <br /> of age or older by August 1, 2001; <br /> of the City of Louisville joining <br /> • The applicant must have been a resident of the the Northern Colorado Water <br /> City of Louisville for some part of the 2000 Conservancy District (NCWCD). <br /> calendar year. Only one allowance shall be paid <br /> to any resident or on any dwelling for a specific The NCWCD provides the City <br /> period of time; an alternate water supply during drought years. <br /> • The applicant or his/her spouse must have paid However, becoming members of the NCWCD added <br /> property taxes, or rent, on a dwelling unit in one mill levy to residents' property taxes. This mill <br /> which he/she lived and upon which property levy for a house valued at$200,000 would come to <br /> taxes were assessed for all or part of the 2000 $18.30. To offset the amount of the mill levy increase, <br /> calendar year. the City Council passed Resolution No. 46, Series <br /> You must bringyour property tax receipt or canceled check when 1996. This Resolution allows the <br /> filing. You may obtain a tax receipt from the Boulder `fob City to reimburse residents for that <br /> County Treasurer's Office. Please call 303-441-1655 and ,J mill levy through a water bill <br /> dial "0." rebate. This rebate is credited <br /> Applicants who are 65 years of age or older may also <br /> evenly to each City water customer <br /> receive a Water Use Rebate. To qualify,your total and will continue annually. <br /> household income, excluding Social Security and Black tit <br /> Lung Pension,must be under $12,000.00 for the 2000 The rebate will appear as a credit <br /> on your November water bill. <br /> calendar year. Please contact the Finance Department at 303-666- <br /> Persons who meet the above requirements may file for a 6565, ext. 101 if you have questions about this <br /> rebate at City Hall,in the office of the City Clerk (1St <br /> program or your utility billing. <br /> Floor). For more information,please contact Penney <br /> Bolte at 303-666-6565, ext. 143. <br /> "ID FOR ME" PROGRAM <br /> Do you know someone who is suffering from Alzheimer's or other dementia, disease, or injury that renders him or <br /> her unable to explain where they live? That person may be eligible for an ID For Me bracelet from the Louisville <br /> Police Department. The FREE ID For Me program is designed to assist in identifying where a disoriented person <br /> may belong if he or she has left home undetected. Identification is made with a specially designed bracelet with "ID <br /> For Me" and a serialized number on the face. The back of the bracelet is imprinted with the phone number for <br /> Boulder County Communications. <br /> A citizen encountering a disoriented person wearing an "ID For Me"bracelet can contact the police dispatch number <br /> engraved on the bracelet. A Boulder County Communications representative can identify that the person is enrolled <br /> with the Louisville Police Department by the number on the bracelet. The Louisville Police Department will then be <br /> able to assist in returning the lost individual home. Also,if a caregiver notices a resident missing, the police can be <br /> notified to look for a person with the bracelet. <br /> Upon enrollment a photograph of the person is taken and the bracelet is fitted. All information is confidential and will be <br /> maintained by the Louisville Police Department.There is no fee for this program.For further information, or to enroll, <br /> please call Commander Bill Kingston of the Louisville Police Department at 303-666-8633 <br /> Autumn 2001 <br />