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Sackett moved and Carnival seconded that the <br />minutes of the March 20, 1990 meeting be <br />amended to include the statement that was <br />made by him about the possible conflict of <br />interest on the revenue bonds. <br />Correction is as follows: <br />March 20, 1990 Council Meeting <br />Ordinance #1021, 1022 and 1023 <br />Sackett: Asked if these bonds have any effect on any of the <br />banks in town? <br />Falacienski I believe the bonds are held by some of the local <br />banks, First National of Louisville, First of <br />Boulder and some other banks in the area. <br />Sackett: Will the change in rates effect any of the lease <br />rates associated with any of the properties? I'm <br />the president of Avista hospital as a lease with <br />Chuck Bellock for Louisville Therapy Clinic and <br />does it effect that relationship and do I need to <br />declare that? <br />Falacienski: I donut know the answer to that question, none of <br />the documents that are before the city tonight <br />have anything to do with the lease rates underly- <br />ing the bonds. <br />Sackett: Asked the city attorney to advise him between now <br />and the final decision as to whether or not there <br />is a conflict of interest. I am on the advisory <br />committee for the bank, strictly as an advisory <br />roll. I am not sure what the impact is on the bank <br />in this regard. I need to know if I should vote <br />on this next time. <br />Hornbostel stated there was a matter that was <br />brought before council at our executive <br />session the last time and I would like to <br />make a statement about that. Before I was <br />sworn into office and after Mr. Stahl had <br />resigned I tried to find out why Mr. Stahl <br />was given a large severance pay and if it was <br />illegal. I soon found out that the <br />information was extremely difficult to <br />obtain. As a citizen it was very hard to <br />access this information from the city. In an <br />effort to look into this issue by the book I <br />went to Mr. Joss, Prosecuting Attorney, to <br />see if there was any ethics violation. He <br />found no violation of the ethics law but <br />12 <br />