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amendments would also affect the title of the Ordinance, if Council adopts the <br />amendments. <br /> <br />Paul Wood, Planning Director, stated that Ordinance 1287, Series 1998, if authorized, <br />would establish a parking requirement specific to the downtown commercial district. <br />Both the Planning Commission and City Council have reviewed it on a number of <br />occasions, both in formal public heatings and in work sessions. The initial second <br />reading/public hearing of the ordinance was held at the November 17, 1998 City Council <br />meeting. At that meeting, it was continued until January 5, 1999 to allow the downtown <br />traffic study to be completed. It has subsequently been continued on several occasions, <br />most recently at the March 16 City Council meeting, to allow the Planning Commission <br />to review the ordinance and make a final recommendation. The Planning Commission <br />reviewed the Ordinance on March 18 and their recommendation is forwarded to City <br />Council. <br /> <br />The ordinance has been amended since the first reading, and the proposed second reading <br />amendments have been properly published. The current draft includes the following: <br /> <br />It would establish a parking requirement of 2.5 spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross <br />floor area. That is stated in the ordinance as one space per 400 square feet of gross <br />floor area. The 2.5 spaces requirement is based on data from the Staff parking survey, <br />which determined existing parking demand to range from 1.8 to 2.6 spaces per 1,000 <br />square feet. That survey used gross square footage in its analysis. The 2.5 space <br />standard is an increase from the 2.0 spaces per 1,000 square feet that was originally <br />proposed. <br /> <br />Existing building area is exempted from the parking requirement, only additions and <br />new construction have to meet the parking requirement. Existing private parking in <br />excess of the requirement could be used to meet all or part of the parking demand for <br />an expansion. Existing private parking cannot be removed unless it exceeds the 2.5 <br />spaces per 1,000 requirement. <br /> <br />3. The parking requirement would apply to the CC zoned district on both sides of the <br /> RR tracks and the CB district on the west side of the tracks. <br /> <br />4. All commercial land uses are treated the same, there are no exemptions for retail and <br /> restaurant uses, as was once proposed. <br /> <br />o <br /> <br />The proposed parking improvement fee has been removed. Parking is allowed to be <br />located off-site. However, it must be within 700 feet, with the distance measured as <br />reasonable, safe and a legal pedestrian route. The 700 feet is an increase in distance <br />from the standard zoning code distance of 300 feet, measured in a straight line <br />distance. That was done in an effort to provide more flexibility in finding appropriate <br />locations for parking. The 700 feet distance is recommended in the Downtown <br />Framework Plan. <br /> <br />10 <br /> <br /> <br />