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HistoricalCommission <br />Minutes <br />February 12, 2011 <br />Page 3of 4 <br />C.Conservation of Artifacts, The Rex Theater movie curtain:Lisa Capano, a conservation expert, <br />has viewed the Rex Theater movie curtainand givenan estimate to clean, conserve and store <br />it.This estimate came to $825 to clean and conserve the curtainand $189to store it based on <br />prevailing conservation and museum standards.In addition, an appraisal of the curtain is <br />necessary for insurance purposesand is estimated to cost $500.Commission members <br />expressed their desire to help the Museum take care of this artifact that has a great deal of <br />importance and relevance to Louisville history. The Commission approvedthe expenditure of <br />up to$1,600 topay for these items. <br />The Commission also discussed the expressed interestof the current owner of the Rex Theater <br />buildingtoincorporateLouisville’s history into the building’stheme and expressed support for <br />these efforts. <br />D.Bridget requested volunteer time sheets from all Commission members for 2010. <br />XII.Museum and Commission Projects <br />A.Discussion/Direction/Action –the Commissionapproved $78 in funds for the plaque for the <br />2011 Pioneer Award. Dave Ferguson’s presentationof the awardto Lawrence Enrietto’s <br />familyat the Chamber of Commerce banquet in January was well regarded.The <br />th <br />Commission also approved $76 in expenses for this Feb. 12meeting. <br />B.Approval of funding for Museumactivities:Bridget presented an annual budget for 2011 <br />Museumprojects based onthe rate for the same programs from 2010and applying modest <br />proportional increases in some instances.The Commission approved$9,600 for 2011 for <br />the following categories: printingexpenses forthe Louisville Historian($3250), mailing <br />expenses for the Historian ($750), Museum expenses for supplies/resources to supplement <br />the budget from the City ($1000),Museumprogramming expenses ($300),Museum oral <br />history programexpenses ($3500),support for Museumvolunteers($300),and <br />membership expenses($500). <br />XIII.Election of Officers: <br />The currently serving officers were approved for another year by unanimous vote. The officers <br />are: <br />DanMellish–President <br />AnneRobinson –Vice President <br />Dave Ferguson –Treasurer <br />JenniferStrand–Secretary <br />XIV.Extra Session: Consideration aboutwhether the Historical Commission should re-form <br />astwo groups, one an advisory board and one a fundraising board <br />A.Wider municipal context and purpose: <br />Bridget’s information collection effortsshow that across the Front Range, most city-owned <br />museums have either an advisory boardto advise their city councils,a private fundraising <br />board, or both. None have asingle board tasked with both an advisory function as well as <br />fundraisingas we havehere in the City of Louisville.The purpose of the extra session is to <br />better understand what this would look like, what specifically each board would do, and to <br />evaluate whether this would be an advantage toward advancing the mission of the <br />Louisville Historical Commissionand Museum. Bridget notedthat the Louisville Public <br />Library provides a model for how this would look, as it has both an advisory board (the <br />Library Board of Trustees) and a fundraising board (the Library Foundation). <br />B.Missionand membership: <br />The mission of a fundraising board would include raisingmoneyfor Museumprojects, <br />hostingevents,promotingthe Museum, and handlingmembership issues.A fund-raising <br />board would need a strong leader and members who are interested in history and <br />connected with funding sourcesor willing to work on fundraising for the Museum. <br />Membership on this board could be determined by the board itself and could include <br />invitations to community leaders. Fundraising could occur through general membership <br /> <br />