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Louisville City Council Meeting <br />July 5, 2000 <br />Page 13 <br /> <br />Jim Creek, 13465 Raritan Street, Westminster, CO, urged the Council to uphold the <br />recommendation of the Planning Commission. He stated that traffic would be greatly <br />impacted as would parking for 300 students and their families. He stated that Pierce <br />Street is already a dangerous intersection, and adding 300 cars more per day will only <br />make it worse. He stressed that this area was zoned for Industrial for a reason. He asked <br />Council to disapprove the SRU request for the Peak to Peak Charter School. <br /> <br />COUNCIL COMMENTS <br /> <br />Mayer stated that Leslie Kaniecki had referred to Montessori Schools as charter schools. <br />He corrected, for the record, that Montessori Schools are not charter schools. Mayer <br />noted that several people mentioned convenants at CTC and stated that it was his <br />understanding that covenants are strictly a civil matter between two private parties. He <br />asked the City Attorney for confirmation. <br /> <br />City Attorney Light confirmed that convenants are a civil agreement between two private <br />parties and can be more restrictive in zoning. <br /> <br />Mayer had questions about the traffic study submitted by the applicant, and directed those <br />questions to Alex Ariniello, the engineer who prepared the report. Mayer asked what <br />constituted a trip. Arienello stated that a trip was defined, as one way from home to <br />school, a roundtrip would be two trips. <br /> <br />Mayer stated that Peak to Peak estimated approximately 250 children would be driven <br />back and forth from Peak to Peak. He estimated 240 cars coming and going based on the <br />10% car-pooling figure, which would be 4 trips per car per day. Mayer calculated 960 <br />trips per day, which did not include the trips made by staff. Mayer asked Ariniello how <br />he calculated 700 vehicle-trips per day as listed in the report. Aiernello stated the figure <br />was a national rate for schools around the country, which they then doubled. The rate <br />was doubled because the national rate includes car, car-pooling, busing, walking and <br />biking to schools. He noted that the study could have underestimated. <br /> <br />Mayer voiced his concern over the balance of the traffic study and felt that there was a <br />definite variance. Mayer asked Planning Director Wood to clarify a CTC study, which <br />calculated the number of cars generated from 270,000 SF of developed land. Planning <br />Director Wood stated that Council members were given spreadsheet which provided that <br />270,000 SF of developed land, with two entrances, generates 1080 roundtrips. <br /> <br />Mayer stated that Peak to Peak would generate an equal number of roundtrips as exists in <br />the CTC Park today. He asked Ariniello if he concurred. Ariniello concurred and stated <br />that today there are currently about 1000 vehicle-trips per day on Boxelder Street. <br /> <br />13 <br /> <br /> <br />