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Louisville City Council Meeting <br />July 5, 2000 <br />Page 15 <br /> <br />Mayer questioned if the building would be modified and if precautions would be in place <br />to control airborne contaminates and other hazards. Paul Pennock, Architect for the <br />project, stated that a HVAC system is planned for the project, therefore there would be <br />building modifications and controls installed if necessary. <br /> <br />Mayer questioned modifying the Sexually Oriented Business Ordinance and asked <br />clarification for from the City Attorney. City Attorney Light stated that Council could <br />choose to make a new area available within the City for sexually oriented business or <br />could change the distance requirements. He noted that the City is not obligated to make <br />such spaces available. Light stated that this would have to be reviewed if the SRU was <br />approved. <br /> <br />Sisk asked Goodman about the Police Department's commitments to resource officers for <br />the Peak to Peak school. Goodman stated that there are three resource officers who would <br />divide their time among all the schools including Peak to Peak. He stated that it would be <br />a challenge for the Police Department, but Peak to Peak would receive equal time from <br />resource officers. Goodman stated that although only Phase I is being considered, he has <br />concerns with Phase II and the number students driving. He noted that the biggest <br />challenge at Monarch has been the traffic. <br /> <br />Sisk asked about the pedestrian and tractor-trailer traffic. Goodman stated that given the <br />information he had received, he did not see a problem if the children are kept on site. <br /> <br />Sisk asked Light about the City's liability in approving a plan with such a mixed use of <br />traffic on Boxelder Street. Light stated the decision should be based on whether the use <br />meets the safety criteria. The decision should nOt hang on the potential court liability <br />being created. <br /> <br />Sisk asked Planning Director Wood if a school is in existence in an industrial park and a <br />company wanted to locate next to it, would there be a recommendation of denial based on <br />the type of business and its appropriateness to the school. Wood stated that a school is not <br />a predominate use in an industrial park, however its not an excluded use, therefore, an <br />analysis would have to be made based on the criteria. <br /> <br />Sisk asked Mr. Drummond, with respect to the compatibility issue and the good neighbor <br />policy, how he responds to neighbors who have stated they are at risk of losing property <br />value and to the neighbors who have voiced concern for the safety of the children. <br />Drummond stated that it is a very emotional issue, but the zoning states a school use can <br />apply in this park, and if that was not correct, the zoning should be rewritten. Drummond <br />stated that the zoning is a legal document and the process can be accessed by anyone. <br /> <br />15 <br /> <br /> <br />