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Historic Preservation Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />August 20, 2012 <br />Page 7of 10 <br />Jean Morgan inquired if there was any issue regarding the adjacency with the Virginia <br />Chavez property to the north. <br />DeJonganswered how the issue was being addressed. <br />Steve Poppitz stated he understood there were discussions regarding the property to <br />the south. <br />DeJongstated the current owners do not have interest in correcting the odd shaped lot <br />layout so this will have to be addressed at a later date with other owners. <br />John Leary addressed why he submitted the referendum of the ordinance. He added <br />he believed the costs of the original proposal was just toogreat for the HPF to handle <br />and the remaining monies would not cover the intent of the HPF and the protection of <br />the other structures of Downtown Louisville. He stated the reduction of funds would not <br />leave enough for other owners of historic properties to benefit from. He added the <br />financial forecast of the future use of the funds did not take into account projects which <br />could go above and beyond the capped HPF amounts if they have “extraordinary <br />circumstances” or if they needed a loan. <br />Stewart stated the struggle is regarding the appropriate use of the building. He added <br />this is the first acquisition project we have ever reviewed and we still have things to <br />learn. He hopes things work out the best way. <br />Fasick asked if the HPC could resubmit the last letter to City Council. <br />Stewart stated he believed the letter was presented to City Council at the last hearing <br />and he believed it was well received. He stated maybe staff could forward what was <br />discussed tonight. <br />Discussion –Grain Elevator Presentation at History Colorado Training <br />Stewart gave some background on this project. He recommended someone from the <br />HPC attend the training. He offered himself as a volunteer to go down and present. <br />Discussion –HPC/LRC Study Session <br />Stewart asked if staff had a date narrowed down for the meeting. <br />Robinson stated there was not a date scheduled as of yet. He then asked if the HPC <br />had any changes to the questions they wish to forward to the HPC. <br />Stewart asked if there were any comments regarding the questions. <br />Koertje commented on the questions being recommended by the LRC to ask them. <br />Discussion –NAPC Forum 2012 wrap-up <br />Stewart and Robinson gave a wrap-up of how the conference went. <br />Discussion –2013 Budget <br />