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Historic Preservation Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />September 17, 2012 <br />Page 5 of 9 <br />Watson motioned to approve the request for continuation. Lewis seconded. The <br />motion was approved via voice vote and approved unanimously. <br />Discussion – Comprehensive Plan <br />Robinson presented the information in the packet as well as the power point <br />presentation.The presentation was an update of how the Comprehensive Plan update <br />has been going and what has been discussed at each meeting. <br />Lewis commented on the Pioneer Park suggestion. She stated she had a discussion <br />with Joe Stevens, ParkDirector, who stated the Comprehensive Plan was the best <br />place to discuss the Pioneer Park idea. She stated this primarily as an update. <br />La Grave asked if staff was requesting feedback. <br />Robinson answered in the affirmative. <br />La Grave stated he felt the Comprehensive Plan was a land use framework for the City. <br />Robinson explained the purpose of the Comprehensive Plan is to allow a framework for <br />future development and policy for the City of Louisville. <br />La Grave stated he was disappointed on the number of residents who are participating <br />in the Comprehensive Plan meetings. He added he wasn’t too impressed with the <br />Envision Louisville website.He understands it is a tool for this process but wasn’t sure <br />if the discussions were helpful. <br />Speier asks who owns the land where the Pioneer Park is proposed. <br />Robinson didn’t know but said there will be discussions with the owners because this is <br />a privately owned piece of land. <br />Discussion ensued regarding the potential pedestrian underpasses. <br />Watson stated he understands the need of a Comprehensive Plan but stated the <br />economy is changing and he hopes the City takes that into account when they are <br />looking at the future of the vacant sites throughout town. He added that future <br />redevelopment of these vacant areas could also result in additional connectivity, <br />whether through new roads or pedestrian access. <br />Robinson stated the City will be looking at Specific Plans next year once the <br />Comprehensive Plan process is completed. The Specific Planswill be able to address <br />a lot of these type of details. <br />Lewis stated the realignment of Main Street could be helpful but its success is <br />depended upon the surrounded land uses, such as residential density. She likes the <br />idea of having an interactive Pioneer Park, rather than an unusable space. <br />