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c <br />0 <br />Open Space Advisory Board <br />Minutes <br />DATE <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />dedication, and asks that management of these lands be <br />coordinated with City of Louisville staff. <br />d. OSAB requests coordination between Louisville and Lafayette in <br />efforts to maintain water levels in Hecla Lake for the enhancement <br />of Open Space values. <br />The motion was seconded by Tom Davinroy, and passed unanimously. <br />Discussion items from this Fleeting <br />Staff Updates (Jeff Moline) <br />o Louisville will hold a trail and creek cleanup event on April 22, 2006 (Earth <br />Day) on the Coal Creek Trail from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm. The cleanup is <br />being coordinated with the Town of Superior and will encompass the creek <br />and trail corridor from McCaslin Boulevard in Superior downstream to <br />Dillon Road in Louisville. Volunteers are asked to meet in the Medtronics <br />parking lot near coal Creek just south of Dillon Road. <br />o As a follow -up to the Earth Day event discussion, Doug Grinbergs <br />presented a slideshow illustrating the trash problems in the Coal Creek <br />corridor, and suggested some options for mitigating the problem. Ideas <br />include coordination with Louisville and Superior retail merchants, as a <br />large portion of the trash appears to be originating in the retail areas to the <br />west and is likely getting deposited during wind events. <br />o Jeff will meet with the fire department this spring for a walk- through of <br />open space lands to assess fire risks to residential areas adjacent to Open <br />Space, and will report the results of that meeting to the board. <br />o A trails project is being organized for June 3 (National Trails Day) at the <br />Aquarius Open Space. Tasks include weeding and painting the shelter. <br />o Jeff continues to pursue options for Prairie Dog relocation / removal. He is <br />currently working on a permit through the Division of Wildlife, and <br />assessing requirements of the raptor rehabilitation center for "donations ". <br />o Cary Tengler resigned from the Board due to ongoing scheduling conflicts. <br />Kate LeMere will take over his position, and Jeff will look into the need to <br />bring on a new alternate member. We appreciate all the hard work Cary <br />has done for OSAB over the past several years. <br />o Jeff notes that the Davidson Mesa trails are nearing completion. David <br />Waldman again expressed concern over the proximity of the trails to some <br />of the homes bordering the Open Space to the north. Jeff noted that in a <br />few places the trail was set closer to private property when gates were <br />apparent, in an effort to minimize the inevitable "social trails" from those <br />gates to the main trail. However, he thinks that the trail alignment is within <br />the guidelines suggested by OSAB. <br />Board Updates <br />