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City Council Minutes 2001 04 17
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2001 City Council Minutes
City Council Minutes 2001 04 17
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City Council Records
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CCMIN 2001 04 17
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Louisville City Council Meeting <br />April 17, 2001 <br />Page 3 <br /> <br />Lopez asked for an explanation as to why the applications have not been reviewed and <br />presented to the City Council. He noted that he met with the City Administrator, the City <br />Attorney and the Planning Director and they agreed that the annexation of the enclaves <br />would proceed. He stated that a timetable was established for the orderly process of the <br />annexations. He asked for an explanation for the Hoyle-Self annexations being pulled <br />from the April 17, 2001 agenda. <br /> <br />City Attorney Light addressed the issue discussed by Mr. Lopez. He stated that if <br />voluntary annexation petitions and maps are submitted, Resolutions are considered to <br />determine substantial compliance under State Law. Once the Resolution is approved, the <br />annexation process has a 60-day window where a public heating must be conducted and a <br />recommendation received from the Planning Commission. He noted that there is an issue <br />in the Intergovernmental Agreement Amendment to the Northwest Parkway, which needs <br />to be reviewed. Light noted there is a difference between a voluntary annexation petition <br />and an enclave annexation petition. Light stated that prior to Council consideration of <br />substantial compliance, specific legal advice should be given on the differences between <br />the two different types of annexation petitions. He noted that because of the annexation <br />timelines, he would like the opportunity to review the issues before coming before the <br />City Council. <br /> <br />Ty Gee, 253 Hoover Court, Louisville, CO, spoke to the issue of Home Rule. He <br />reviewed the power of home rule status and the citizen's rights and duties. He stated that <br />home rule is about citizens seizing control of their own destiny and about citizens being <br />comfortable with the powers that they give to their elected officials. He commended the <br />City for providing notice of the Home Rule Charter Commission and pending election. <br />He stated that the City has asked its citizens to come forward and run for the Charter <br />Commission. He noted that 30 citizens filed petitions announcing their candidacy on the <br />Home Rule Commission. He stated that Mayor Davidson has made statements about the <br />candidates, which appeared in an article in the Daily Camera Newspaper. He stated that <br />elected officials should not be afraid of citizens, nor bar them from participating in the <br />home rule process. <br /> <br />COUNCIL INFORMATIONAL COMMENTS ON PERTINENT ITEMS NOT ON <br /> THE AGENDA <br /> <br />Brown reported on the unprecedented turnout for the City's inline hockey program this <br />year. He stated that there were over 120 skaters in the program. He explained that there <br />is an inline hockey alliance with Lafayette and Boulder. He noted that Louisville had <br />more participants than either of the other two jurisdictions. He stated that he is a coach <br />for the program, that there has been much discussion relative to a new inline skating rink <br />in Louisville, and that there is a lot of support and participation for inline skating. He <br />encouraged Council to continue forward with plans for a new rink. <br /> <br /> <br />
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