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<br />state and gave stats on vacancies etc. Survey includes demographic information on smoking. <br />Sheri believes smoking is banned at Lydia Morgan. Staffwill confirm and bring that <br />information back to the next meeting. Smoking can be an issue with unit turns. Turning a unit <br />costs roughly $1,000-$1,500 more when unit was smoked in. Survey will results will determine <br />which direction the Authority could proceed in. HA does have the option to ban smoking by <br />building and by program/project. Staff completed the necessary legal analysis prior to sending <br />out the survey to assess the resident preferences. In lieu of smoking inside of units, the <br />Authority can setup designated smoking areas. Decision on smoking ban would be entirely up to <br />the board. <br /> <br />In addition, the Housing Authority has recently partnered with Workforce Boulder County on the <br />Laurels apartment renovation project in Broomfield. This successful job training program <br />promoted low-income youth into a trade skills program learning electrical, plumbing, carpentry <br />skills. 4 of the 5 individuals received jobs in the construction trades and 1 returned to college. <br />As a result of this partnership, the Housing Authority will be hiring 3 additional youth interns <br />between the age of 18-21 into Maintenance department. The Housing Authority will be <br />receiving funding for the interns, so the cost for the additional labor will not be the 2008 budget. <br />The youth will work for us for 6 months and be trained in maintenance skills and the above <br />disciplines. Staff has also submitted another grant for 6 additional interns on a I-year cycle. <br /> <br />Property Mana1!:ement/Maintenance Report <br />a) Rent and Occupancy Update and Monthly Rental Vacancy Report <br />Currently 1 vacancy at Sunnyside and it will be filled on Tuesday 12.02.2007. There will be on <br />vacancy on 12.10.2007 at Lydia Morgan and Sally already has a tenant inter~sted in the unit. <br />/i <br />Sally discussed her report on turning vacant units for the past year an9 the ft;port has been <br />entered into the official monthly packet. ,. ,/ <br /> <br />General Timelines for "Turning" a Vacant Unit: i <br /> <br />. Move-Out Inspection is done within 2 working (bus~ess) day$ of vacate date. <br />. Work Order is, generated from inspy<;tion and sub~itted to Maintenance within 1 working <br />. - -...._ ' t i .- ~ : \ _' -., <br />day of Move:Out Inspectio~. .. i : l j ': <br />. Maintenance has 20 days to ma~e unit ready for new tenant. <br />. Most un,ts ~an be showljl inlnon~ready state, b~twill show better and rent faster when <br />unit is completely ready, cleaned, and lookifig ready to move into. <br />. Most neW tenants take possession on'the first day of the month - exceptions can delay <br />this, such as when an applicant is approved and accepts the unit, but is still waiting out <br />the remaining days or weeks of the 30-Day notice they had to give their current landlord. <br />J L......'.,. <br /> <br />Sunnyside parking-striped and painted and spots have been labeled. Scott confirmed parking <br />situation is better due to Sally putting nutices un cars. No cars were towed becausc of units. <br />Sally is issuing parking permits effective January 1st and is working with a towing company to <br />do periodic sweeps through the lot. Sally sending out a letter regarding the visitor's parking <br />spots. Somc concerns with the letter. Sally will update the letter to state parking in visitor spots <br />is not allowed from certain times. <br /> <br />2 <br />