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Louisville City Council Meeting <br />March 19, 2002 <br />Page 6 <br /> <br />Wood stated that the zoning comes forward with an amendment of the GDP. The GDP <br />incorporates the 13.23-acres, amends the setback relative to the north property line and <br />reflects fee dedication of the north donation parcel. <br /> <br />Mayer asked for clarification that, previously, the setbacks from the property line were <br />100' for one-story buildings, and 200' for multi-story buildings. Wood stated that there <br />was a 200' setback from the common property line of Coal Creek Ranch, 200' for three- <br />story, and 100' setback for one and two-story buildings. <br /> <br />Mayer asked for the new setbacks from the City's property line. Wood responded that the <br />new setbacks for one-two and three-story buildings will be 50' from the City's property <br />line. Wood stated that there are some sections in the zones along the property line that do <br />not accommodate two-story development. There is a portion, located in the middle that is <br />high density and will be subject to a 50' setback from the new property line. <br /> <br />Mayer asked the applicant, John Sackett, for his understanding of the setback <br />requirements for the three-story building. <br /> <br />John Sackett, CEO, Avista Adventist Hospital, 100 Health Park Drive, Louisville, CO, <br />stated that this project is a work in progress. He noted that at a neighborhood meeting, <br />there was discussion with respect to a buffer between the hospital and the neighboring <br />homes. He stated that the hospital voluntarily suggested a 100' setback for single-story <br />buildings and 200'for multi-story buildings. He noted that, with the additional buffer, <br />there is 215' from the property line. He stated that there is additional buffering and <br />flexibility for the health park campus. He stated that the hospital has the same goal as the <br />City, and any further restriction may require higher density buildings. <br /> <br />City Manager Simmons asked Wood for the width of the fee dedication along the <br />common property line. Wood responded 165'. <br /> <br />Mayer suggested that the 50' setback is appropriate for one-story buildings, but <br />questioned the same setback for multi-story buildings. He suggested an additional 50' be <br />added for multi-story buildings. He asked Sackett to respond to his suggestion. <br /> <br />Sackett stated that if Council requested an additional 50' for two or three-story buildings <br />he would agree. <br /> <br />Simmons stated for confirmation, that from the new common property line of the City's <br />open space, the setback would be 50' for one-story buildings and 100' for two and three <br />story buildings. <br /> <br />Sackett asked for clarification that it would be 265' from the hospital property to the <br />common property line of the City's open space. Simmons confirmed Sackett's statement. <br /> <br />6 <br /> <br /> <br />