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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />December 4, 2007 <br />Page 4 of 10 <br />Mr. Jeff Sheets, Koebel & Coimpany Vice President presented the redevelopment <br />proposal. He explained they propose to redevelop the former State Farm <br />building at 410 Centennial Parkway by converting the building from office to <br />speculative retail space. They request assistance based upon the significant <br />financial investment they will iincur to redevelop the property for retail. He <br />presented slides of the proposed renovations to the building. <br />Ms. Hogan reviewed the Business Assistance Package for Centennial Valley <br />Properties VII, LLC. The assistance will be funded by new sales tax generated <br />only from the successful redevelopment and lease of the existing office building <br />for retail sales tax generating uses. Staff recommended approval of the BAP <br />comprised of 40% sales tax rebate (excluding the .375% open space tax), to be <br />awarded in years 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of operation of the project (beginning 24 <br />months following the issuancc; of the 1St certificate of occupancy). The BAP <br />would not exceed a total of 5 years and the 5-year term would not be extended or <br />suspended in the event of an absence of leasing to retail tenants. Staff <br />recommended no cap in the amount of assistance, but does recommend <br />imposing a time limit so the assistance would expire following the 7th year after <br />the 1St certificate of occupancy. <br />COUNCIL COMMENT <br />Councilor Muckle supported tlhe Business Assistance Package and stated the <br />proposal will make better use of the site and provide connectivity to the north. <br />Councilor Clabots asked how long the building had been vacant. Planning <br />Director Wood estimated over two years. Councilor Clabots supported the <br />Business Assistance PackagE;. <br />Mayor Sisk stated office space does not generate sales tax, however retail stores <br />will generate sales tax on the redeveloped property. <br />PUBLIC COMMENT <br />Annie Hughes, 1425 Garfield Court, Louisville, CO agreed this development will <br />bring more retail to the City and provide connectivity to the north. She noted <br />there are access problems with the site. She stressed the importance of knowing <br />what the citizens and the commuters traveling along McCaslin Boulevard want. <br />Mr. Sheets explained a traffic study was completed at the site and a new right-in <br />access will be added to the north, and there is a full access point to the south. <br />Councilor Yarnell thanked Ms. Hogan and Mr. Sheets for a thorough <br />presentation. <br />